Thursday, May 2, 2024

Confessions of a sad superhero book 146

I came in to work hours ago with the intent that I'd catch up on all that has happened but its been like this for awhile now. Not sure why I put off certain things that are important to me. Also I don't wanna just come her to write about bad stuff all the time. Sometimes its the really little things or quiet victories as they say... Anyhow a certain co-worker who I have been having issues with didn't show up today. Its possible he called off and nobody told our supervisor. Hopefully thats the case. I mean we have our issues true but I don't wish dude ill will. I just wish he would just change some of his ways. But people are people and you gotta let folks be who they are. He comes in late often and sometimes it is a chore to work with him because he doesn't take this job seriously which worries me because I have seen the bad things that can happen when people get too relaxed working here. Like my stuff getting stolen last year around this time for example. Speaking of getting too relaxed last night after a maintenance worker left a homeless woman walked in before the door shut smelling strongly of piss. She REALLY didn't wanna leave and I had to get up from the desk and use my "Dad Voice" to get her out. Then in the morning on my way home from work I had something funny and bizarre happen to me on my way home in an Uber...

Continued- (To Seal greatest hits on amazon music)

I'd rolled my window down in the back seat to let in air because it smelled a bit weedish in the car and after we'd gone a few blocks I heard this slapping sound coming from my right outside so I turned to look out the window to see what it was all about and this trans prostitute named Coko was standing near a corner in a thong and little else. Standing there making her butt cheeks clap. That was such a freakish situation and the driver just looked straight ahead with an expression that mirrored my thoughts. Insanity and is this real world? I guess it is. I did say thats crazy and he agreed with me with not exactly a laugh. I started thinking what a life this person has and how crazy it has to be to let a doctor cut away your body parts and to have to be out in the streets living like this. People pay you for sex. Some people will actually find this acceptable for a sex partner and how can you survive even with programs to help especially with no medical insurance or whatnot. I keep trying to imagine what dude looked like before he became a dudette and what will he do when they hit 75-80 years of age. The real crazy thing is they probably have had sex more times than I would in several lifetimes. I think about having sex with someone else and it feels like its something that happened a lifetime ago. Seriously. And at times it feels like going forward this is gonna be only something I can fantasize about because maybe some switch in my mind has stifled that part of me which used to be so much more alive. 

Been having some interesting dreams lately. The other day I dreamt of being in a forest with what seemed to be a class of kids (20s at most) and we got spooked because we heard a sound we thought was a bear which made us turn around to leave quickly. I grabbed a stick as others grabbed stones or branches as well in case we had to defend ourselves. I had to help this one young girl who was having trouble keeping up. When we exited the forest we came upon this warehouse or dock near a bridge where one of the kids went to purchase something to smoke from what appeared to be warehouse workers.

The co-worker came in late. Said he was in a motorcycle accident. I asked him if he was okay and he said he was but his friend (he was riding with I guess?) was in the emergency room. I saw no scratches or wounds but whatever. Not my business. He did ask me in a strange way if I wanted to rotate when I returned to the desk from my break. I just said it didn't matter but I was annoyed the way he asked me. He goes something to the effect of "If I ask you a question it can go left with you so I just wanna be clear with my question" So this was kinda douchey because it was in a way bringing up the past which has been rocky to the point I only speak to him on a hello and goodbye or work related only basis. He really should have said would you like to switch? Yes or no? Nothing else was needed to pour salt on something. He also left the gate open as usual. I don't wanna give anymore energy to this because I have so many other things to worry about in my life that matter but it continuously stings having to work with irksome folks. I suppose everybody can relate to that. I guess until I get powerful enough in society and can get to the place where I am not around low vibrating folks I'm gonna have to deal with this type of BS even when I go out of my way to tune people out. I thank the Lord for my music. My videogames and my comic books. My creative works. All those LOTR and Harry Potter marathons. All these things that help keep me from turning into a supervillain...  

Speaking of creative works... I did an episode of my podcast last week. Its actually gonna be edited into two episodes but I was a bit bummed out since my guest did a no call no show which forced me to basically have to wing it with my cameraman. Honestly I would like to redo because I don't feel really good about the whole thing. I dunno. Perhaps when I see what the edits look like I might change my mind. I did have an idea about adding a Lego segment with a co-worker who does Lego model sets all the time for a hobby. He did a Lego Easter Bunny for me for Easter! The podcast is gonna cost me ALOT so I am really not sure if I'll do another one like that with a cameraperson. I really need to learn how to edit my own stuff. Professionally I mean. Theres this guy...Carlos. He's one of my actors from the SOL days. Says he wants to help out and is down for building something even if I can't really afford to pay him. He was actually part of why I canceled some past podcast shoots as I couldn't afford to pay him. Maybe he sensed that? Anyway I do need a co-host for my podcast and I'd love to have a regular one who gets me. Yes I'm a bit leery after what happened with my last co-host. Still the truth is...well it takes a village to raise a production company. Basically. As hard as it can be to deal with other folks I really do need to partner with some like minded individuals. 

To be continued-

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