We had another shooting the other day. This one was at a school in Tennessee. The shooter, a transgender person was killed by policemen who arrived on the scene. Its crazy that these things just keep happening here in the US.
In other news it looks like Microsofts acquisition of Activision/Blizzard will go through despite Sony's considerable ploy to block it. The FTC was in Sony's corner but the tables recently turned when Microsoft court ordered some info concerning concerning SOny's business practices over the years. Like we didn't already know Sony was blocking games from other consoles. Now Washington has gotten involved and some new regulations may come about due to some shadey things going on in Japan when it comes to putting games on western consoles.
A co-worker came by to talk with me about colorism because an African guy was giving him hell about being light-skinned. Basically saying he wasn't really black. We ended up getting into an interesting conversation about some of the BS within the black community concerning skin shade. Other cultures deal with this shit too. It's insane to me. Just more unnecessary drama humans conjur up because they have too much time on their hands. I will come back to this later since its time for me to get off work...
I remember years ago I was talking with some guy on the phone named "Dre". Now i'm convinced that was a fake name but anyway dude was like "Man you probably don't wanna go out with somebody dark skinned" and I was really surprised to hear him say that. Due to some fallout from slavery there has always been this weird thing with some black folks about skin shade. The white folks would keep the light complected folks in the house and treat them better. They were the "house niggers" and the drak skinned folks were often treated like shit and made to work outside. Probably in the fields and doing grunt work. They were the "field niggers" So that developed some animosities betwixt the skin shades. Yeah, its stooopid. People always gotta be on some dumb ass shit. Even in other cultures darker skin folks or more "ehnic" folks get treated some kinda way by their brethren. I'm so glad that I was never taught these things nor do I have that funky DNA or spiritual residue inside me that makes me act indifferent toward someone because of something like their skin color or race. I was actually raised mostly by darker skinned folks. My Grandma was dark on my mothers side and so was my Great Grandma. My fathers mother was light and I know she often went out of her way to protect me from BS. She understood I was "different" more sensitive than the others from the litter I guess. Maybe smarter too but I digress. I recall one day at one job I worked at this kinda hot bro was saying because i was light skinned white folks treat me better and things are easier. I was like...uhhhhh NOPE. I still get followed around in stores. Sometimes stopped and searched by cops. White folks sometimes seem to get all weird and nervous around me. Even other gay folks but thats probably because of misconceptions brought on by movies and tv. The 10 oclock news or simply not really having any black friends. Then again if you don't "act gay" enough some other gay folks don't really seem to know how to process you. Thats a whole other conversation though.
So you got light-skinned families that won't date dark-skinned folks because they wanna keep it light. Light skin. "Good hair" and exotic-colored eyes. All that jazz. Some light skinned folks act "super black" to overcompensate because they don't wanna get treated or perceived a certain way. Then you have dark skinned folks who feel superior to light-skinned folks and would never get with them outside of fucking because they look at us a certain kinda way. Its all kind of ways fucked up and it makes me sad because...well its not like we don't already have shit to worry about. We catch hell from society in general also then we turn around we do it to ourselves too. But then again self-hate is the elephant in the room as far as I'm concerned. Just look at our neighborhoods and how frequently we kill our own. Shit trickles downstream.
It is also a reality that some black folks from other countries treat or view American black folks some kinda way. Some call us lazy and some just wanna take advantage of us because they think we are loaded. But many of us are actually one paycheck away from the street due to the cost of living. I am constantly getting hit up by guys from Nigeria or Ghana. Some of these guys will act all friendly then try to scam you. Its gottan so bad i automatically don't wanna trust anyone form these areas that approach me.
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