Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Confessions of a sad superhero book 89


(Written to KROQ!)


Resist the impulses.

The impulse to call you.

Resist the impulse to care.

Push all those feelings aside.

Throw them in the trunk 

Throw them in the trash.

Throw that damn love away because nobody wants it.

Or just take it all in for myself?

Maybe I have been doing that all along in a fashion?

Resist the impulse to scream

Resist the impulse to spill the seed

(because its making me stronger spiritually)

Resist the urges to put myself down

Call myself defective

because parapsychologists say

all along I've had these super powers

no encouragement from society

and very little in the way of training to use them.

A loaded gun and my parents never showed me how to fire it.


Unconscious psychokinesis

I am one of those poltergiest people

Tainted by the dark impulses of energy around

I didn't crack though

Not really.

Learned to cope

Read to educate myself

Listened to other paranormals

Watched those videos

And listened to those podcasts.

The games helped hone my skills

Problem solving


While scratching my itch to hunt

To fight

And even to a degree how to work with others

All those things you never taught me to do mother and father

But I forgive you because you did the best you could

With what you had.

Because of you I didn't become 

the monster the world tried to create

I became the monster 

With something like a soul.

And if I can resist the darkness

I can certainly resist the


To care 

For a man 

or any man 

who walked away.

I resist

Some days are harder than others man

But remember you told me I should

and in those days I feel myself faltering

your words will be fuel for the spaceship I ride away in...

You are after all just another impulse for me to resist.

For better or worse I think I'm getting better at this

okay with this

This resisting of things


Not good for me.

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