Thursday, July 11, 2024

Confessions of a sad superhero book 155

 Attended my first union meeting in years this morning. I think in the 17 years I've been here at the center I've only ever attended one other union meeting but you know sometimes these things are needed otherwise companies just do whatever to their employees and get away with it. I was alarmed at one particular employee who was injured months ago and some of the things she's been put through. It does really feel like its us against them at times because if you don't go running to your protection or you don't know your rights you'll probably ened up gettign taken advantage of because at the end of the day many of these companies out here are in it to make a profit and we are only more cogs in their machinery. Ask me again why I wanna go into business for myself. Still it was nice to see some folks at the meeting I didn't expect to see there. Hopefully something can come out of todays meeting. I brought up some things that should definitely be addressed as security concerns. Things like the parking gate acting up and maybe needing something done to keep the riff raff from hanging around the place. I mean if they put up a gate around the building it would make all our lives easier. Not just security but maintenance as well. But I keep hearing about how the budget is strained so I'm not holding my breath on that ever happening.

Tonight I took a Uber to work. This morning it was a Lyft and no thats not doing my bank account any good. So anyway coming to work tonight I got into an interesting conversation with my Uber driver about the state of the world right now. He played an audio clip of Biden accidentally calling his Vice President Trump and the President of Ukraine Putin which is even more reason to worry about this mans mental health. So on one side voters have the man who may be dealing with fading mental clarity and on the other side we have a liar who doesn't apparently live in the same reality as most other folk and he also seems to think he's above the law. So far it feels like he might be. Its crazy because I see the democratic party as nearly useless meanwhile the republican party is insane. I'd vote independent yet that seems a waste of time. Honestly I don't think the democrats or republicans care about any of us who are not rich and the decisions they make don't seem to affect communities moreso than our local elected officials. Its a strange time we are living in for sure. Ask me again why I'm thinking about getting involved in politics. You know how the saying goes...if you want something done right...

*As usual its a pizza night for me. (This is my ritual I do for myself as a reward -on payday- for surviving another work week) 

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