Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Confessions of a sad superhero book 154

(Listening to KUSC classic on Iheart Radio)

Took the bus to work and home from work the other day and this morning. Just trying to save money you know since it is free. (We get free bus passes thank God)  These last few years have seen me relying more on Uber or Lyft because its just been too crazy with some of the folks on public transportation. I've seen fights and people smoking. Doing drugs. Blasting loud music or posing health risks to those around them. They even warn you to put away phones and other electronic devices because of people getting jacked for their shit. Its crazy that I used to see others as I did using tablets and playing videogames on public transportation and now its a rare sight out of safety concerns. I have some small gaming thingies I like to use sometimes but I usually don't take them out on public transportation anymore. Only in coffee shops or for plane trips. Perhaps in lines at the store. Maybe. The world has really changed. One time I got yelled at by a brother one morning on the bus whom I was about to give a mask to as the driver had stopped the bus. When I turned around to lok over at him he yelled "WHAT THE FUCK YOU LOOKING AT MAN?!?" REAL LOUD and threatening. Sometimes I wonder if its just in other black men to come for other black men because of how we treat each other. No I can't say that about everyone obviously but we need to do better is all. Some of the things I have seen or experienced with the black or LGBT community has certainly made me become more conservative in my viewpoints and a t times I'm not sure how I feel about that. I do know so much of the time I feel I should get involved more in politics if I want things to change in my communities because it doesn't seem those we have in office nowadays give a damn. Just my observation. 

I took an Uber to work tonight because I missed the bus I wanted to take and I really wanted to get to work extra early as to speak with my animator about the project and of course I wanted to get in some gaming. That didn't happen. The gaming part. I mean I did play Luigi's Mansion 3 on my Switch before I came to work (Which is why I missed my bus!) but when I got here at work I ended up being on the phone with James for about an hour. I've been concerned about his health so I make it my business to interact with him more often these days. He had some health scares recently. Just like my somewhat surrogate father Lymonicus. You know what they say...give these people their flowers while their still here... We talked about this little opening sequence (me and James) which seesm to go on too long because of this loooooong ass dialogue so we're trying to think of ways to make the sequence more interesting. Adding credits and maybe a deer getting attacked by a monster would make it pop more. Otherwise it would be best to kinda trim it. Its over 2 and a half minutes of a lady talking. I really wanted to give her more to do than just being there in the story to be kidnapped by a monster who may or may not be Sasquatch. I spoke also earlier with the guy in charge of the company doing my website. I'm still $1500 away from paying everything off but its whats needed to create the e commerce site so I can sell my stuff. Still waiting for Sir Thurgood to send me the footage from the IGN Live event last month. Yeah, I said last month. Its frustrating that we shot footage a month ago for an event and by the time it gets posted it will be well a month later. So yeah Ima need to start learning more about photography and editing. Defiitely will cut down on aggravation and also saves me money! I spoke via Facebook messenger to Dan who is the editor and publisher of my comics today about the work we're doing on my next comic book project. All in total I plan to have three more comics done before this year is out. (Already have three done) So when I have all six books done I can spend the next year promoting and selling those whilst working on the film,the cartoon, my podcast and other projects. I want to get the wheels turning on a videogame project this year too. Maybe Gerbilla (A giant Gerbil who fights other kaiju) Baby steps.

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