(Soundtrack=Jurassic World: Fallen kingdom)
They saw what was beautiful black strength
and they came for those beautiful people
looking down upon them as if they were not human
but a thing.
Something for them to exploit
This thing still thrives
on alien soil to this day
fights against invisible chains
chains that won't let go because
the offring of the former masters won't let go.
Was brought here against its will.
Some say it was even betrayed by its own kind
yet it survived.
This thing was whipped
tormented in so many ways
watched its offspring
snatched from its arms.
Watched its women
forced to breed
because the masters wanted more.
More strong dark warriors
More light complected house servants
with green eyes
and pretty hair
and they even taught some to read.
Some were almost as white as the masters
and slick enough
brave enough
to use that to save their families.
That fate was not the majority.
Most of the thing and its kind suffered in captivity.
How dare the thing resist
How dare it think it was deserving of more than
What else is service without pay?
They thought of the thing as less than them
like some animal for them to possess perhaps.
The thing yearned for more
yearned for freedom.
At the plantations
the thing began to dream of being free
because captivity was making it sick.
Was sick in its spirit
and the sickness was in its mind
in its body too.
The thing was
longing for more
but laughed at
even by its own kind because
they had gotten so used to wearing those chains
chains that seemed almost invisible
and the truth is that freedom was/is an illusion.
Every day
Every night
being there
in this place.
The thing knew it didn't fit in.
Didn't think like the others
didn't really look like them either.
The thing knew it had to escape
some far off place of freedom was calling
drawing them.
Know your place thing.
Stay in your lane thing.
Your body isn't right thing
even though theres nothing wrong with it
your body is not acceptable to them.
They look past your beautiful mind
your playful spirit
and they drag your name in the dirt.
They don't understand you thing
or maybe you scare them because
deep inside they see themselves
when they gaze into the refective surface
of those eyes.
Forgive them thing
Its key to your healing.
Your healing is something your enemies fear.
Some are watching to make sure you don't heal.
Stay in one place too long and the enemy learns your weaknesses
and your chances of growing are marginalized.
You are the thing
the thing that dares to think of more
dares to want more out of life.
And it scares some around you.
Scares the children of the former masters.
Some of the masters might still be alive.
They say bad people often live a VERY long time.
Mostly its the spirit or teachings that lives on in the offspring.
To hate what is different
to hold on like a maniac to that white privilege
white straight privilege
straight privilege
of being the majority
or just the ones who inherited all the wealth
created a system that makes it
so hard for the thing to climb out of.
Makes the thing strong
Hardens that thing so much
so much it won't even help its own kind
because its so scared to lose what it has.
The thing had to fight so hard
to get what its got.
Some of the things have so much
so many millions
while the other things are out there
in the wilderness just trying to eat
and feeling so lonely
because the rich things don't see us other things at all
simply because we are not on their level.
The cops see us.
Follow us.
Stop us.
Search us.
Pull guns on us and handcuff us.
They say some things fit the description
so why not?
Easy to say when its never happened to you.
Being a thing sometimes feel like
being trapped in a whirlwind of strife
a constant lesson of pain
banging ones head
struggling to break
these invisible chains.
So many chains.
My brothers wanna kill me
because I am wearing another color
Its madness
He wanna shoot other things just like him
because I'm in the wrong neighborhood?
Its madness
They wanna kill this thing
because it wants to be with a dude,
they wanna kill me because the anger inside them
it spills out
covering them like some infection
reason is gone
they feel I deserve to be killed
then they sit there in the courtroom as if
they have no recollection of what happened
because they are gone
just gone.
The brother poured all his pain into me
not the pleasant sexual release no
it was the punishing me with brutality Marvin sings of
the pain of being a thing
strung out
lost on hope
full of angry energy he puts into every blow
every stinging word
every look at me as if I do not belong
in this world.
The wolverine berserker rage turned my brothers against me
even the gay ones don't know what to make of me
and I often so isolated
still standing
fighting the madness of being this thing society has helped mold me into.
I pray so much more these days
looking to the sky
looking around for spirits
battling psychic attacks
battling both metaphysical and the explainable
daring to not know my place as they say
(there is more to life than this)
You become the thing you think you are.
So like the things before me
I have to keep my eyes on the prize.
Like Yoda says
"Remember your training! Save you it will!"
Remember to tune it out
when it gets too loud
Remember to be gracious
and not lose myself.
Remember to control my emotions
not let them control me.
Look at the signs
keep the negativity at bay
realizing some relationships have to die.
Yeah I said it.
But above all keep love in my heart and never give up.
Sometimes you gotta regroup but never give up.
Even if I am a thing
with no soul
and my head is often a battleground of dark thoughts
I can still smile at a small animals antics,
cry over a childs suffering
and my creative prowess remains
while plans of escaping this plantation will spur me onward.
The thing has seen its future.
No matter what comes
this one knows what will come.
The thing knows it must dare to dream
dare to hope
dare to feel some desire of belonging.
The thing still has its inspirations
its music and some worldy pleasures
yet its art are its true swords
discriminated against
because the kids of the former slave masters are stuck in the past
just like the fools they inspire with their ways of thinking.
You really wanna let go of us
things can never go back to how they were not so long ago
We are free things
things no longer things
but what we always were
kings and queens
and you don't need to fear us
so please stop killing or trying to kill us.
The war is over.
Blood was spilt.
No clear winners
and so much was lost.
The thing is so tired of fighting you when it already has to fight to survive this
brave new world.
Like Hulk....thing just want to be left alone.
Hulk only want peace.
Batman says "Trust no one" and I fear what this thing will become
if it completely loses trust in humanity to oneday grow the common sense
to escape its past and forge a better path for the future.
The truth has always been right there in front of you
we all belong here.
To destroy the thing you destroy yourself.
Why can't you understand that?
None of us are truly free if all of us are not free.
This thing I have become is part of the superhero costume I have to put on to face/fight the evils of the world.
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