Saturday, May 23, 2020

Confessions of a sad superhero book 5

Sometimes I really hate people. They seem to keep trying to steal from me. I left the charging adapter for my $800.00 gaming laptop at my job and when I called today the guard I asked to check the room for me found nothing. I couldn't just walk into a room and see a adapter knowing full well it wasn't mine and just invite myself to it. Like over a year ago someone took my Disney mug out of the kitchen at our old location. I'd had that mug for many years so it had plenty of sentimental value to me. A few years ago in Detroit some brother stole pretty much everything I'd brought along for my birthday trip. Birth certificate. Passport. My camera Blueberry Teddy Bear gave me years ago. My PS Vita. My laptop. My Vudu streaming stick. An old cellphone. The Ipad Linus Paramecium gave me years back. I was devastated to say the least. Yeah as a kid I stole some things and I am no angel but just thinking back on it makes me cringe knowing I engaged in such behavior certainly not proper for a superhero. So I may have "lifted" a few things in my youth yet some folks take it to a whole other level. Taking my adapter probably won't do them any good because its not compatible with every computer plug out there. I had to spend like $70.00 to order a replacement from Amazon. I signed back up for Prime because that way I will receive the adapter by Monday with free shipping. Another thing....someone keeps trying to hack me for some reason. I had to change my Microsoft password weeks ago. Then the other day I got a warning that someone in Bangledash tried to log into my AOL account. Just what the hell is going on???

Yesterday I went out to Kaiser after making an appointment because I wanted to get a test (to make sure I don't have the rona as they are calling it) My results came back rather quickly (via a phone call) and I was really relieved because it would have opened up a big can of worms. Thing is I had this cold that has been so persistent. So even though the symptoms were mostly non-rona-like I wanted to at least get checked to see if I had anti-bodies. I really didn't want to put anyone else at risk you know? The whole testing process was weird. You call. Then you make an appointment to speak with a nurse who asks you about your symptoms. Then another nurse calls you to tell you exactly what time you should be available for a phone call with a doctor. Then the doc calls and after talking with you decide whether or not you need to come in for a test. They only JUST recently made tests available to the public. Thankfully I have a three day weekend to recover from whatever has been going on with me. I am sure it has a lot to do with last weeks encounter with "that guard" and other things going on that have stressed me out. My nerves are just shot from being at that place and surrounded by so much negative energy. Truthfully I feel I am on the verge of quitting and I probably should but I want to try and save up more moolah. At least I have been getting inspired to write some new things and my co-writer sent me a text asking me a bout a character in the story. So I guess that means she is working on it. Its been almost a month since we last spoke by phone. Meanwhile my artist for "Gerbilla" says his wife has him working  on other stuff so I just don't know why I am not actively looking for another artist to take over the book. its not like I can't afford to pay them. Although I would rather not dip into the money I am saving for "the move" whenever that happens. 2020 or early 2021? Decisions decisions.

I spoke with a cool dude on the phone yesterday from a dating app. He and I had a nice conversation and well physically I am not sure how attracted I am to him. Wasn't a big fan of the photo he sent me. I dunno. Part of me wonders if its a test you know? Sometimes people send fake pics to see where your head is. One dude who messaged me I told him it was a nice photo he sent but I was more interested in getting to know him as a person. But trying to get a conversation going with this guy you'd have thought I asked him for blood because it was all very short....brief....almost makes me wonder if he was trying not to say much. Or perhaps there really isn't much of anything else there besides the good looks. I like masculine guys who are funny and just cool to be around. These seem to be very simple qualities I know but really I find many guys wouldn't know a sense of humor if it walked up and bit them. Some people are just so FUCKING boring its ridiculous. I mean its like their personalities stuck on "bland". Like that button I had years ago said "My personality might be annoying but at least I have one" And no I am not looking for a damn super model or a muscleman. But I do want someone who is pleasing to gaze upon. Please higher power if you are reading this send me a reasonably cute man with a sense of humor and let him not live close to or over a hundred miles away. Please keep these angry and manipulating black men who don't know what they want far far away from me.

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