(To Coldplay "Moon Music")
1. Was at a party and this older sister was trying to hit on me. She was dancing and grinding all up on me. At one point tried to kiss me but she attempted to make it seem I was the offender. Angela Winbush entered the picture at some point and I was hanging out with her extremely beautiful daughter. Angela and her daughter had to have a private conversation about something.
2. Was at a house and trying to separate a car and dog who were fighting. The cat tried to bite me as I picked them up. Also Mr Thurgood went to my house to play video games on a bigger screen.
3. Seems Julius (An ex) was there and a little girl with a weird portable device. They left me locked in a car and went somewhere.
4. A. A female superhero or possibly a soldier who was doing acrobatics even though she was wearing a bunch of equipment.

Saturday night I ordered a pizza before I came in to work because I figured that would be my lunch. I was banking on reaching the job before the pizza arrived but I arrived right around the time it came. (In the past I have missed orders because my phone wasn't ringing for some reason so had Dominos call my job to let me know the driver was outside.) Saturday when I called to check our rotation schedule dispatch told me my pizza was here and that I need to go outside as some person was trying to take my order from the delivery person. (Apparently this is an issue. Yet another problem the center needs to address along with the food getting stolen from the fridge) I went to get my order and as I walked away giving the person who tried to get my order the evil eye. They started yelling for me to give them some of my food and I kept walking ignoring them. Of course a bunch of other youths and "characters" were out there gathered. Dude started cursing at me. (I think he used to be a she. Very short hispanic with a husky dog that belongs to a client in the building I think) He goes "FUCK YOU!" I yelled back "FUCK YOU!" He goes "SUCK MY DICK!" to which I replied "YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!"
-To Be Continued-
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