Thursday, October 17, 2024

Confessions of a sad superhero book 173


This is in regards to a Youtube video by content creator "Renfail" about how a California law requires companies to tell consumers the games they are buying don't really belong to them/us. In other words we are just getting a license to use that content which can be taken from us at any moment. 

I wonder if there's gonna be so much backlash against that as against Ubisoft. I somehow doubt it.

(Me!) I think its ironic people are angrier about "certain" things yet turn a blind eye to the stuff that really matters. We let these companies screw us over yet playing as a black man in a game incites outrage on an international scale. Truly fascinating. 🙂

I hate when this happens. I had one of those dreams where the details are vague. Very
vague, All I can recall is there was this guy who was partially a cyborg and for some reason I had this heavy sadness for him for some reason. Like I was feeling sorry for dude but like I said I don't remember anything else.

Back at work again and its my friday. I actually meant to publish this entry last night but the computer disconnected from the internet for some reason so I had to put everything on hold. There was some stuff I wrote that I lost as the autosave didn't catch it so Ima try to remember what I wrote. This weird thing happend to the formatting here when I copy and pasted excerpts from an IGN article I commented on (Above)

Still trying to decide on what I'm doing for Halloween this year. I mean I do the usual family visit to Florida every year and I'm going again this year but last year it was a trip to Universal with my nephew. I have not done Disney Halloween in Orlando so maybe I'll do that this time around. I need to check the prices. Was thinking of doing something here before I go out of town and it would be nice if I had someone to go with to one of the amusement parks here but since I have like no social life...well. I have never done a solo visit to an amusement park but its something I often think about you know? I guess that would be the equivalent of going on one of those "date yourself" ventures. I think I messed up a chance to meet someone cool on the Facebook dating app because I was pretty open with him about being cautious regarding dating because of bad experiences. Also part of me wonders if the reason I have not heard back from dude is because he wasn't serious and it might have been either a bot or someone with nefarious intent. Not gonna lie...something just felt off about our conversation. I dunno. Am I too paranoid? I think back to how I used to be and how my feelings regarding so many things have changed. Theres a saying..."You lose yourself then you become who you were" Like all the trashy shit you learn in life...the traumatic crap...eventually with time you cancleanse it out of your system to become the person you were before the world corrupted you. Stripped you of innocence and turned you into another jaded and bitter fool. This format is driving me crazy. Ima just start another entry damnit...

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