Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Confessions of a sad superhero book 172

(To Jack FM on iHeart Radio APP)

We're doing another kickstarter so I'm trying to get myself back in that mode. Gonna have to start doing videos on social media to promote. Instagram. Twitter. Facebook and Twitter. Also Youtube. Arnold who is in charge of my website has said he can help me with all these other areas to sale and promote my work but I had to have a conversation with him yesterday  to let him know I wanna do all of those things but I am not made of money so I have to pace myself so I won't have to sell my body on the street to pay for rent as a result of being too broke after paying him what he's asking. Meanwhile I still need to check in on James my animator because process has been slooooow on the Sasquatch cartoon. Thurgood (only women can call him Thurgod) was holding off on giving him some files because he didn't like the quality of the animation and I had to explain all he's seen is preliminary concept art. Thurgood (who has issues with eating anything shaped like a hotdog) is supposed to be working on editing the footage we shot at LA Comic Con like a week ago. I gotta stay on him because I don't want to be putting out footage for an event months after the fact. Thurgood has actually become a valued friend over time. Wasn't really expecting that to happen. I don't really have much in the way of interacting with mortals outside of work,projects or trips to the supermarket. Thurgood confided in me he has a sibling who is either gay or trans. I forget which. My brain is so full these days. I actually came in to work late tonight because I overslept. This is what happens when one spins hours playing videogames and goes to bed late then wakes up but decides to risk taking a short nap which somehow becomes two hours. 

A dude hit me up on the Facebook dating app earlier. I swear it was so weird because I really didn't know what to say. I mean I have had so many bad experiences with guys I think a switch in my brain has turned off because the very concept of dating just seems or feels wrong. (I came across a celebrity video where the person was saying when asked about dating he just doesn't see that in his future and i relate) I never get approached or noticed by fellas so when it does happen I'm not sure how to react and then theres the part of me that is tired of the online scammers and crazy folks who make profiles online just so they can get inside someone's head and fuck with them. People be trying to get me on the 6 o'clock news screaming naked and chasing somebody down the street with a damn sword. Another crazy black man on the tv they can laugh at and say I told you so but thats not gonna be me. Anyway I suppose right now I just can't focus on dating at this moment. Maybe the best thing I can do is let anyone who might approach me know that up front. It would probably be wise to delete that stupid Facebook dating profile then... Its okay to not be okay just like its okay to take the time away to work on yourself. Its kinda cliche to say this yet how can one be happy with someone else when they are not happy with self? 

Why is it so many people get off on bringing evil into the lives of others? I have been watching all these crazy ass videos on youtube of people doing the most insane things and cops having to put up with so much mess from psycho individuals. (I'm also hooked on a series on Youtube called Scary Bear Attacks!) Its nuts the things that some folks do. The chaos they bring into the world. School shootings. Serial killers. Rapists. Terrorist attacks and warmongering. Why? I keep asking. But then I stop to consider theres a disconnect from reality with these people. Some chemical imbalance or perhaps fucked up shit from the environment contributed to them being so messed up. Its real easy to say just lock them up and keep them away from the rest of society so they won't hurt anyone but I have to wonder how many folks could actually be cured of mental illness if someone else really put in the work to help them? I mean to say plenty of folks fall through the cracks of society because someone basically decided to put them out to pasture therefore sealing their fate. Pump them full of drugs and lock them up in a facility is the quick and easy solution when you don't want to get your hands dirty. I know there are some who can't be saved but one has to wonder how many just need that extra help to get their shit together. Mary J Blige said in one of her earlier songs how she used to laugh at the crazy lady never knowing what she was feeling inside. Just food for thought I guess.

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