Sunday, October 13, 2024

Confessions of a sad superhero book 171

(To The Complete Harry Potter Film Music Collection Via Amazon Music Via The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra )

*Got in trouble last week for having my ipad at the console. 

I was laying in bed yesterday trying to motivate myself to get up when I heard someone knocking at my door. I was like who is it then a voice said its me and don't you recognize my voice. Turns out it was my old friend from waaay back in the day. I'll call dude "Marty". Marty and I met way back in the late 90's when we both worked security for the same company. Marty was an interesting guy. Smart and pretty funny but what was most interesting at the time was the fact he was in the process of getting a sex change operation. Its something he says he's still gonna do but I no longer believe him. The last time I saw Marty was possibly two years (or more) ago. He dropped by unexpectedly and I was pretty embarrassed about all the clutter in my place and kinda pissed he just came through without giving me notice. So we fell out of touch. Marty has gotten married to a woman and he's also a dog dad. So much has happened in both our lives over the years and its amazing how much we have gone through so yeah its probably good to keep him around in some capacity. There are some other people I need to get back in touch with too. But thats another conversation. 

I suggested we go somewhere for breakfast and Marty obliged so he drove us over to the Denny's near where we used to work over near Wilshire and Serrano. I got the breakfast that came with these delicious flax seed cinnamon pancakes. Also came with coffe and orange juice. Turkey bacon and a regular sausage link too. I don't usually indulge in pork but it was a special occasion so... We talked and spent about two hours just catching up. Its really liberating having someone in your life you can basically talk with about anything. Marty also spits knowledge and he's well versed in psychology because of multiple degrees. He really should be teaching somewhere and he says he would like that...after he buys his acres of land somewhere away from the fast pace and toxicity of city life. This is something I often fantasize about. Living somewhere far from all the crazy and bad energy. All the chaos. The Crazy African is always saying how wonderful LA is but its a place to visit...not a place you wanna live in due to the cost of living and the stress that comes with existing with such a large population. I totally agree. Its about time for me to get off so Ima need to continue this later...!

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