Well, my vacation came and went in a flash and I didn't do anything basically. Just chilled in the house. Did my laundry. Ordered some Doordash. Watched some movies. Played some games. Called my father because I heard my uncle Larry passed away from alcohol related issues. He was one of the "cool" uncles. Had the nice cars and I don't think I ever saw him in a bad mood. (Why do some of my uncles remind me of the Ojays?) Was supposed to be in Detroit for their Comic Con but since Mel's mom is bad off he is on standby at the ready to jump up and fly to Orange County when/if he gets THAT call. I postponed my trip. Hopefully, she will pull through. In the meantime I'm gonna start setting aside money to make the trip in 2024. Oh yeah, speaking of Orange County and its vicinity "someone" at an Irvine amusement park was attempting (Boomers) was attempting to gain access to my videogame account associated with my console that was stolen along with my laptop over a week ago. What a crazy world we live in. I'm sure this was the same POS responsible for my Spotify music selection constantly changing as I listened to music the other day. I can't believe this is the second time this shit has happened to me. Why do people keep taking stuff from me? Well whoever THEY are they're gonna discover that Steam Deck console is a brick for them unless they are able to create an account assuming Valve hasn't locked the machine. I guess they can do that. It probably won't happen but the cops can actually ask Valve to help them track the device as it would need to connect to a satellite or servers to go online. Everything that is digital and connecting to the web leaves a digital footprint. So it was just dumb to steal my laptop and console. It blows my mind that anyone would want to take something personal that belongs to someone else. I mean you are possibly exposing yourself to all kinds of germs. I could be some crazy person with a gun who could have walked in on them taking it. Also, you're gonna do jail time if caught. Is it worth it? I guess so if you are s junkie/crackhead or a klepto. Probably sold my shit right away I imagine. The job said they are not responsible for people's belongings getting stolen. I already replaced everything because these sources of entertainment keep me from becoming a serial killer because of all the shit and trifling folks I deal with in life. I'm scheduled to have a session with my shrink later this week by the way. She is going to really get an earful because so much has happened since the last time we talk. I imagine she is gonna ask me why the hell am I still working at this place after what I just went through. I'm still working here because in a few months, we start production on a short to promote my film and I need the money also for some imminent dental work. On top of that Ima need to start putting stuff in storage and I need to have my PS4 repaired next month. In June I'll be cutting back drastically on spending and will only make non-luxury purchases going forward. No that doesn't mean I'm giving up Netflix, Disney+ with Hulu, and Amazon Prime. These along with coffee are also things that help keep me from turning into a serial killer.
The good Captain posted a photo on social media with him and a woman he has decided to pursue. I guess he must really love her because he never posted any photos of us together. So my instincts were right. I mean to say I knew he was seeing someone else or a few someone elses and Mr. Ninja probably is too. It would be so easy to simply admit these things but I remember someone telling me years ago that when I asked them why they never told me they were seeing someone it was none of my business. I guess ultimately that is true. I mean if I'm not important to you it makes sense you would feel no obligation to tell me anything. It does sting when you understand someone you probably love thinks of you as next to nothing but in the end I think it makes it easier to wean yourself of said individual unless you are okay with someone treating you like shit and only having you as a side option and not a priority. Every time it seems I ask Mr. Ninja to do something with me I have to book him weeks in advance as its likely he has already set up a social event with someone else.I have said this before but I seriously think something is wrong with most gay/bi men when it comes to working on a commitment. I suspect many of us are so used to sneaking around we lack the maturity until much later in life to sustain a healthy romantic type relationship. Trying to find a black man with who I am equally yoked might not happen without the usage of some sort of witchcraft. Dwelling upon this can be depressing and no I'm not getting a dog/cat. I think this is something I'll consider if I find someone to help me raise them. It is my belief too many folks are getting animals to replace human companionship. I do love the furbabies but I don't feel its natural to be around them exclusively. But thats just me.
Meeting up with Mr. Thurgood this coming Memorial Day weekend to discuss Nerds With Badge's next installment as well as our next move for Sasquatch. So far I am having an artist do some character profiles for me. Another artist (in Brazil I think) is doing storyboards yet Ima need to replace him because he is taking too long and I suspect he may not completely understand the proper way to do storyboards. Could be a language barrier to a degree. I dunno. Gotta work on finding a cabin to film our short in too. The short will function as a trailer or commercial to court would be investors. Plus we will use it in our crowdfunding campaign. I estimate the short can be done for 3 grand. This will act a s a lightning rod to entice folks to give us money to shoot what we really want which incidentally will be the rest of the story. The script is done yet I am considering skipping the whole short film or web series approach I'd initially planned and just going full steam ahead with a full length film. The only thing worrying me is how much money such a big production could cost. Now if we went the animated route..well that would make many more things possible we could do not to mention it would save us alot of moolah. Why did that just now occur to me? There are so many cool stories I'd love to tell about "The Squatch" and a film or ongoing series would be soooo much easier to pull off in animated form...
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