(Listening to Classic Rock on Iheart Radio)
I think my laptop and Steam Deck thief may know me. Its crazy and maybe a bit paranoid but as I was speaking with one of the other guards about what happened with my belongings a tall white male saw us thru the window from across the street as I noticed him pacing back and forth. He locked eyes with me and then stopped to stare. It was weird and I'm not sure what the hell is going on here...
Sunday was eventful. I called Mommy to see if she got the "Momzilla" shirt I sent her, and got chewed out about not having insurance on my stolen goods. After recovering from that Mothers day tongue lashing I treated Mr. Ninja to Universal Studios because I really wanted to check out the Nintendo attraction for Mario Kart. Unfortunately that didn't happen. We stood in line for two hours then come to find out the stupid ride had broke down. My back and feet were aching and I wrote a pretty pissed off explanation of what happened in a survey that came in my email later. That was cathartic but I wasn't expecting to get an invite to maybe check out some new secret rides and give my two cents about them. On top of the Mario Kart biz someone stole more of my Amazon stuff again so its back to strictly ordering things and having them sent to the workplace as its not safe to have delivereies at home. (Who the FUCK is doing this??? What the hell is wrong with people taking my shit? Damn!) It was a green jogging outfit I'd planned to wear to Universal that got taken. Also some sneakers i ordered were the wrong size so I had to get a refund. Another thing that upset me was this rude guy who wouldn't let me and Mr. Ninja sit together on a ride. I understand that I need to be much more aggressive in my life with people because yeah I am not the one and I'm tired of folks looking at me and thinking "Oh he looks so happy and easy going Ima just walk all over him" Then when you snap people be like Damn Sergio why you do THAT?!? You can't let these mother fuckers get to you man knowing full well they woulda acted the fool too if somebody pushed them too far.
So me and Mr. Ninja had a decent time. He did upset me at one point and he was acting a bit weird at times like he practically jumped off one ride because he thought it was gonna go sideways and I had to ride alone because it was too late for me to get off then we got into a little tiff because he grew agitated when we were talking about dinosaurs after the Jurassic Park water ride. I kid you not when I say I think he does not believe the earth is millions of years old and even when I showed him a google newsfeed he abruptly cut me off so there may be some religious issues regarding his views. When I suggested that he seemed to get pissed and I wasn't talking to him for a good while as we stood in the Mario Kart line. After awhile things kinda got back to normal. We ate at an expensive food joint and he bought some $8.00 bottled water at one point. (I can't believe they can get away with charging that much) We did go on a few rides but since Mr. Ninja has motion sickness we couldn't do the heavy stuff. Everything was cool till we got on the train to get back home (We took a shuttle down hill first) On the train ride I kid you not dude wouldn't sit next to me and he just stood up facing away from me the whole time. I thought that was bizarre but from my observation some people when they have been single for awhile don't really seem to know how to really engage you when you go out in public. Also some folks are DL. To me its like you're giving me this body language to remind me you're really not that into me. He fist bumped me and got off at his stop. I would later discover that was a mistake as his bus route was under construction which caused him to wait a looooooong time to get home via an alternate route. Still by the time I got off the train tired as I was and feeling sticky from the days heat and activities it was heavy on my mind to keep my distance from this guy for awhile. Figured the writing was definitely on that wall. I allowed myself to pleasure myself (its been weeks) later as I thought about Captain Liberia who although emotionally distant I can at least expect him to call to check up on me at least once a month. I mean that means he cares to some degree right? But yesterday as I was on the phone with Amazon getting my refund Mr. Ninja out of the blue called requesting I send him some of the photos I took of him. Photos no one else will see of course. (He can be quite photogenic but he denies it) Well I think he's gonna let his mother see them We have not taken any photos together and that is not likely to happen so I just don't ask. Its funny though as I was resisting the urge to call him and or text him with the photos but he surprised me by calling. We talked for a good while actually then out of the blue he asked me when can we finish what we started at my place over a month ago. We had sorta messed around but didn't go all the way. Dudes passion and sex appeal almost overwhelmed my senses. Its that powerful Jamaican mojo I guess because I never stopped thinking about that after THAT. I'm on vacation later this week after my root canal surgery so I might just rent a room or something and spend some more time with dude. God knows it will be nice to feel the warmth of an attractive man after years of being without. Thing is I am worried imight lose my ability to be objective if we take it THAT far...
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