Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Confessions of a sad superhero book 70

 This morning when I got off work I noticed one prostitute being particularly aggressive about approaching cars. She actually tried to solicit one of the guards driving in. When I got off I called a Lyft and when I went out to the car this same person had walked over to the car trying to get some play. I really wish the center would do something about these people hanging out around here. 

Last week someone apparently got a hold of my credit card info and used it for a dating site. So now I am stuck waiting for the bank to send me another card. Also, the same mother fucker who has been hacking my Youtube account is at it again. Last weekend I logged into Youtube and saw someone was using my account to watch kid videos. I immediately deleted their history and bombarded them with creepy weird videos. Serial killers...horror stuff basically. They stopped but its likely not permanent. I don't get it. Why use my account to watch videos? Youtube is a free platform. 

On a more positive note I cancelled my Nerds With Badges filming for Monday because my t-shirts arrived late. I did however shoot a little video promoting them and just talking about some stuff going on in the game world. I was able to get in touch with a cinematographer so next month I'll be filming something on a more grander scale for my show. Probably have a guest or tow. Then I'll get back to filming on my webseries in Nov. Meanwhile work on my comics will be done pretty soon and after that it'll be full steam ahead on...A VIDEO GAME! 

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