Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Confessions of a sad superhero book 161

The longer I go without blogging the more things happen then I end up struggling to remember everything. Guess I need to stick to daily entries. Alot has happened since the last time I blogged so Ima try hard to keep ya'll up. 

We had a small quake yesterday. 4.5 or something like that. I was sitting on my bed about to head out to the supermarket to get $3.00 quarters for laundry. When the place shook I jumped up immediately because I have a bunch of stacked (high) boxes next to my bed that I am planning to probably put in storage before the year is out. Thankfully it was over in just a second. I had the radio on (which I am now no longer able to turn off since I broke the on/off button last week) and the DJ (KROQ) was talking about how her earthquake alert warned her a few seconds before the quake. I walked outside to get quarters. I'd decided to wear some dark green cargo type shorts and a neon green shirt because I knew it was gonna be hot outside. Wore these black and orange sneakers with no socks along with my grey and black "I paused my game to be here" baseball cap. It wasn't as awkward at the Vons market but as usual it was busy. Didn't really see any cute guys and the lines weren't long so that was good. Speaking of cute guys last week when I went to Mickey D's for a chicken McNugget meal there was this gorgeous dark skinned brother standing outside. He seemed taken aback by how gracious I was because of his gesture. Yeah I know its a simple gesture but on many occasions its been the opposite so I am always happy when someone does something nice for me because its a true gift in this world. Anyway at one point he came in the restaurant to stand behind me. I think he was gonna order and changed his mind but I wonder if he wanted to say something to me. Probably not as he disappeared when I left. I just figure if he didn't wait outside for me to leave to say something I misread his actions. Its so strange how the world is nowadays. People never approach me and I find myself wondering do people still approach each other in an age where many seem obsessed with being or looking perfect. No one wants to put themselves out there or to look awkward when it is perfectly natural to experience these things. I think if you can't laugh at yourself you are taking life too seriously and you'll fall apart when something crazy and awkward actually does happen to you. I guess in some ways I have made peace with being socially awkward. But I don't feel as socially awkward as I have felt. Also I realize these are things I feel when others are around. Some people will see this and try to prey on you and its probably why so many folks walk around with these intense expressions because with that air no one will approach you. The problem with some folks is they look like that ALL THE DAMN TIME. Nobody is gonna say anything to you if you look like you wanna kick their ass. I know I'm not ugly but I don't really think of myself as sexy (whatever that means) and on some days I think I can be handsome or cute-ish depending on what I'm wearing. I do try to wear something interesting or with something funny written on it (hats/shirts) I love the color green so I try to keep it green as much as possible. Due to gangs being an issue here in Cali I do work at avoiding wearing certain colors yet the reality is no matter what color I wear somebody somewhere reps a gang of that color so how can you really win eh? Once in my early days of being in LA a brother saw me crossing the street near Sunset and Vine and yelled at me "What you doing wearing that red?!???!" and I was soooo confused. I didn't know anything about gangness but don't black men have enough things to worry about instead of trying to murder someone for the color of clothing? Asking for a friend. Yeah, I am wondering where the mothership is. 

It has come to my attention we have been cutting back on things here at my job. I'd been hearing about budget cuts and there have been rumors for awhile but now its been made official that the center is cutting back and 7 security guards are being let go. Earlier a supervisor gave me a sheet with 5 potential shifts I had to bid for. Its likely my schedule will change and I won't have the weekends off anymore so yeas I have been mulling over just taking the severance and then drawing unemployment. God knows I have been wanting for an opportunity at freedom and this could be a blessing since my rent is so cheap and I could totally make the lifestyle changes to accomodate not having a 9-5 but you know unemployment doesn't last forever and I have so many financial obligations. My films. My comics. The animated project. Yeah I was planning to maybe leave next year but its probably not a wise choice to leave now and potentially put myself in a more stressful type situation. Also theres still dental work I gotta get done. 

Just Sunday I met with Miguel the DP for my upcoming SonsOfLegend film. Its gonna be a 6 minute short and the plan is to start the cameras rolling in Dec. Now I just recently got some really cool ideas for the film and I started a script. So far I don't even have a full page but i have it mapped out in my head what I wanna do with the concept. Miguel thinks I'm nuts for some of the ideas but I think they bring something fresh to this darkly humorous take on superhero life. I was thinking of bringing in Sir Nathan for one of the new main characters. This newbie is a dude who manipulates the four elements. He can't create the elements so like the X-Men character he carries around a lighter for fire and he uses a tazer to manipulate electricity. He keeps some dirt or rocks in a bag. Maybe a necklace could work. As for air...well thats everywhere. Miguel says this makes dude OP but that depends on how much he can manipulate. Theres gotta be limits right? At any rate I'll be done with the script before I leave for my trip to go see "Captain Liberia" later this week as a birthday trip for myself. I'm gonna try not to think about what happend the last time I took  a "birthday trip"  Of course I will be going to see my mom and them in Florida for Halloween like usually do and for either Thanksgiving,Christmas or New Years I'm going to see my father in NC. I really need to go ahead and put in for my fathers visit now since the schedules are about to change for all of us. Thankfully I always put in my birthday and Halloween request way early so I don't have to worry about that. Well unless my vacation falls on my new off days. That won't be cute.

-To Be Continued-

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