Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Confessions of a sad superhero book 166

I had a late lunch with an old friend yesterday. Lets call him El. Anyway we met up at Cheesecake factory in The Grove. I got there earlier than him so I had to wait at the bar for him to arrive. I'd say about 15 minutes. The place was pretty full as usual and as someone with social anxiety this was quite a challenge for me but I think I handled it pretty well. Maybe I'm getting better at this sort of thing. I dunno. I'd brought my little sling bag with a portable game system and a tiny Amazon Kindle but I didn't end up using these things which usually help me to deal in crowded situations. Also music helps of course but now that we live in an age where one has to worry about shit being snatched or some fool tailing you to try and take what you own I have gotten pretty careful about using electronic stuff in public. They do warn you on buses and trians to put away electronics; even phones because...well Captain Liberia told me he once witnessed someone get their phone snatched on the bus. Its always great to see El though. I have known dude for almost 30 years. Its amazing how fast time can fly. He's been like a father to me in so many ways. I actually consider him a surrogate dad. 

-To Be Continued- 

(Something interesting)

-From this article-

Rebel Ridge Review: A Smart and Tense Rambo for 2024 (

Weird how the only people in here getting upset and defensive with this review and plot are right wingers. I don't see Democratic outrage in these comments. If you're so upset with a review of a movie with some political commentary that you feel so compelled to go to a comments section and rage about it, maybe ask yourself why this triggers you so much.

I'm a Republican, but I'm able to acknowledge the amount of power concentrated in pockets of our police force. It's also just fundamentally disingenuous to suggest that systems of oppression don't exist. We've seen it. Don't tell us what we have and have not seen or experienced. Just because you're ashamed of your bigoted beliefs doesn't mean you can say that these things don't exist.

Grow up.

  • You make an awful lot of sense for a Republican.

    • Us RINOs are around, but don't really like to stir the pot.

      • Well, I appreciate your comment because it does remind me that we're all humans and I shouldn't automatically dismiss something someone says just because of their (ill picked) political party.

      • I just thought it was interesting to see people with possibly different political views having a civil conversation. Something I don't see too often.

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