Thursday, June 13, 2024

Confessions of a sad superhero book 151

Theres this song that KROQ plays often.....  

Its one of those though provoking songs like.....

These songs always make me think about family...friends...people I know. Makes me wonder how much time I have left with these people and the impact they have made on my life. Often I get this sinking feeling you know like...well its something we probably don't want to think about. That day our parents leave us. When our siblings or other relatives transition. I mean...when they're gone they're gone and there will be no more hugs or holidays with them so its really important to enjoy the time you have with loved ones. Its a bit cliche to say this but give them their flowers now. Its these thoughts that help me put things in perspective. Don't waste time on the things/people that don't really matter. Manage your time wisely my friend. Spend time with your loved ones while you still can. I can't speak for anyone else but my mother and my father gave me a gift I can never repay and it hurts when I think that I have not been as appreciative. It also hurts to know my little sister is gone and I never got the chance to get to know her. It bothers me when I think about...well I should have done better by her as a brother.  Gotta make more of an effort to be involved before its too late. It'll hurt more when they leave probably but its okay because at least I can take solace that I gave them some happiness in life.  Thats all I have to say about that. 

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