Sunday, June 11, 2023

Confessions of a sad superhero book 109

 I was just sitting here watching Guy Ritchie's The Covenant. Theres a scene where Dar Salim the interpreter is pushing Jake Gyllenhaals character up this hill and really going through it because its such a rough climb. I thought to myself "Damn it would be awesome to have a friend like that" I mean in my life there have been some incredible people who have gone out of their way to help me but THAT kind of love and devotion...I guess its something that can rekindle faith in the human race. (I read that some of these interpreters were abandoned by the military after the US pulled out of Afghan and that gave me an idea for a story...)

Yesterday I really went in on a cute guy (I wish he lived in the US) on Facebook from Africa who tends to post stuff where he sounds like he wants to end his life or he is overwhelmed with misery over some shit going on. Thing is he has been doing this for years. Its not like I am insensitive or anything because I understand what its like to be in pain and sometimes it feels like one is trapped until you take a look around at some of the terrible things others might be going through. Yet they still find a way to keep going on right? I wasn't happy in North Carolina so I left after saving up a little bit of money when the time was right. There just comes a time when you gotta get the hell up out of dodge and I told homeboy that. Stop complaining and just find a way to get out of there. There was another fellow I used to talk to alot on Facebook from Alabama. He's had some rough luck and is now having to live in a bad environment with family. Its kinda depressing talking with him because he keeps complaining as he's done for years about his situation and I have told him to leave. Even told him to come to Cali. I have no problem letting someone stay here for awhile as they get themselves together. I mean people have done that for me right? Still he just won't take the initiative so I basically stopped talking to him. Was that wrong?

It is gay pride month but things feel different this year. I say that because it seems some of our allies (just as I saw with BLM) are getting tired of some of the BS associated with our movement. Rather its the bad apples. The loud and irrational always asking for more MORE more and at times doing too much and you know what I mean. This is pretty sad because in some ways much of the work that has been done to generate goodwill from heterosexual folks over the years has been shat upon by the recent actions of some folks who don't understand that sometimes one can go too far with the asking. The lgbt community have become bullies. Its unfortunate that those of us who may not necessarily adhere to some beliefs or practices within the community risk losing support from our allies as well as attempts from our communities when we speak up about certain things. Something worth thinking about.... 

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