Friday, July 29, 2022

Confessions of a sad superhero book 60

 I was talking with a co-worker about a new project and sharing the news about having hired an artist who just got picked up by Marvel to work on a new Spiderman book when this guy just basically trashed me and did his best to make me feel bad by making these harsh jokes about me and stuff I'm working on. Just made me feel really dwon and there was another person in the room when this happened. I turned and said this is why I need to leave this place because of negativity. I just needed to write about that because it really upset me. 

I've had issues with this guy before. I am convinced he's bi-polar because on minute you're chatting like old friends then he flips and starts attacking with biting comments that tear you down. Its kinda confusing when a person does that because it makes you want to either avoid them or stay away. I can't let unhappy people bring me down though. This is a great moment for me having hired this particular artist before he pretty much becomes unavailable. He's done plenty of work for me over the years and I just decided to reach out to him the other day not having any idea Marvel hired him. He told me after this weekend he would be unavailable. So this was one of those universe working for you type of deals where a person is at the right place at the right moment.

So the first episode of my new webseries is finally posted. I will try to share the video here. The title is "Sasquatch And The Mythology Sisterhood" The premise revolves around a group of female super powered bounty hunters who team up with Bigfoot to take down an evil fallen angel named Oasis. We actually started shooting footage on this waaay back in 2019 so its been a real struggle to get here due to a bunch of setbacks. The first episode is like 5 minutes but theres still considerable additional footage we shot that will be edited and cut together to form the story. I may have to reshoot some stuff and I'm getting new ideas for the story because I'm also developing a comic around it. The next project I'll be filming is gonna be the relaunch of SonsofLegend on Aug 15th (my birthday) I am almost inclined to just use the scenes as a part of the Sasquatch film but I think other than a few cameos I'd like to have Sasquatch stand on its own for awhile. It will eventually take the place of SonsofLegend and all my other webseries including ideas I had to scrap because of all the shit that went down involving Daughters of Legend. The less said about that chapter of my life the better. I had my ideas taken, stripped from me...years of hard work thrown away but like the phoenix I'm rising. Because I have to. 

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