Friday, June 14, 2019


(Eating pizza S/O Julio gave me!) This has been a pretty busy shift so far. Barely got enough sleep so it’s a good thing. All the running around is keeping me up. The Monster energy drink is still here on my desk on standby. Both my bosses dropped by tonight too. The first thing I asked was “What did I do this time?” and that was followed by laughter. It was just a routine visit (and also I heard someone got in trouble behind some keys) Speaking of keys another guard lost his car keys and now its gonna cost him $500.00. Just when you thought you had problems.

I wonder what Brianopolis wanted. Merely taking like five seconds to tell him I was rushing out to work caused me to miss a bus. 

Still waiting to hear back from my actor on whether or not he can get me into E3. Perhaps he forgot? 

Had to block yet another person on Facebook. Why? Well when he (possibly she) would not video chat (claims they don't know me that well although FB messenger told me they were on another call when I tried to call them) it just made me suspicious. I got the feeling this individual was gonna try to play me. I believe they have a fake profile. They had like three old photos of themselves and even the photos of their city (supposedly Chi town) looked OLD. Coulda been another one of these African guys/women from Ghana or Nigeria who try to get into your head then often try to bleed you for money. I'm just not interested in being manipulated by anyone. I have enough things to worry about. Like Stanzilla my ex used to say "If it don't make dollars it don't make sense" Too many of these African guys out here giving their region a bad name by trying to scam other people. Especially other Black folks as if we don't already have enough craziness to deal with. 

Speaking of Africans The dangerous African called me so I need to call him back. Maybe he can give me the exact date he will be coming next month so I can try to get time off.  Regarding other men from “Dem Islands” I spoke briefly to me Belizean friend. I didn’t wanna ignore his calls cause I hates it when other folks do that shit to me. He want ed to meet up this weekend. I really want to work on cleaning up my place and I gotta be careful not to spend money I don’t have to so I told him next weekend could work. Mostly I don’t think I can date anyone right now because there are so many things in my life I need to fix. My career. My body. My finances. I’m planning to move and plus my feelings for The Sneaky African seem to be intensifying. He really is the only man who I spend a lot of time thinking about. (Yes I have several nicknames for Jonathan.)

It seems funny to me that even though its nice to look at hot men mostly I look at them and feel nothing other than a sense of knowing I’m not on their level. Or its very likely we just won’t click. Never really clicked with jocks on a sexual level you know. I have had some cool friendships with jocks but many of these guys would never date someone like me unless I had a lot of money. I just don’t kid myself and stay in my lane. I have said this before that I just don't seem to be sexually attractive to American Black men. Not blerds either (They seem to largely prefer white guys or other races) I think I'm just not masculine enough. (Interestingly enough the word "Toxic Masculinity" is getting tossed around alot these days. So is MA'AM but thats a whole nother conversation) The Crazy African is funny. He’s cool and has a very calm disposition about life even though he has been thru a lot of shit. He actually inspires me in a way. The fact he has a nice body and mindblowing sex is just incredible because to find all these qualities in one man….well it does feel like looking for a needle in a haystack.  When you get to where you’re comparing every guy with someone you know then you are probably in serious like with that person. It would be something if the soulmate I doubted ever existed was right under my nose all this time and he is in fact The Dangerous African. (He earned that nickname for almost destroying my microwave and also because once he “puts it down” those hooks stay in. I told him he has voodoo powers. Sex with this guy is a spiritual experience. Thats part of how he earned the nickname King of Fargo....

I finally reached out to the actors today with a shoot date for Sasquatch and the Sisterhood Mythology.  I’ll talk with the director maybe sometime over the weekend. I need to come up with a strict budget per episode. As much of a pain that will be it’ll help me get an idea of what types of effects make sense. Now I’m starting to understand why Steven wants to work on the script. There are some effects in there that are gonna be difficult to pull off with the budget I have. It’ll make life easier just being….well being more realistic. Perhaps I should keep the heavy effects type stories for my comics and cartoons. Speaking of cartoons I still have not really done anything with the Detector Pig cartoon I had made years ago. I’d like to continue his story at least in comic book form sooner than later. I’d still like to do a video game too. Talked with one of my actors from before who has worked with me on fight coordination for some projects. He says he’d like to work together again. But he was talking more about a barter type arrangement as opposed to monetary. He does believe in my story concepts and understands where I’m coming from because he’s a blerd himself. A hot blerd too. But most importantly he gets me and his martial arts prowess is unmatched by anyone I have ever met. He is open to whipping me in shape. I did one training session with him and was sore for like a week but he can turn me into a bad ass like he is. That way I won’t look like an idiot on camera plus I can do my own stunts. We may have a sit down in a week or two. I was gonna have the writer who worked with me on my still somewhat on the backburner full length SOL script from last year come direct Sasquatch And The Mythology Sisterhood. She’s also gonna help me go back to fix some of the story elements I have to remove from the script as I no longer own the rights to Daughters Of Legend. Thing is she is kinda high so I’m on the fence now about using her. Then again she will make it high quality and she has some killer contacts in the industry. She can get my stuff in front of the right people. I have good concepts which are capable of boosting both our careers if the right people get involved. As it stands I don’t feel the right folks are seeing my material. My target audience or investors who would love to support me. I keep thinking this videogame get together idea I have could be a good networking opportunity even as it gives me some social instruction and a way to express my knowledge of pop culture. Something I seem to be obsessed with. I think I need another console though because of the wear and tear you know? Gotta decide which console to get. Next year Sony and Microsoft are coming out with new consoles. I’d prefer to get one of those but I ain’t waiting till next year. Need to figure out some kind of a screening process for who I will invite too. Will it be just blerds? Cool down to earth blerds who don’t have attitude problems or desires to steal my shit. I just want good energy around me. Its important. The thought of charging $5.00 per person has crossed my mind as it will help cover costs of renting the room and also help with the funding of projects. But to get people to even come I might need some sort of incentive. Like a giveaway. This is something I have seen people do on sites and on youtube to generate viewer participation. If I give away stuff that’s too expensive then it defeats the purpose. However if I could get some local businesses I patronize involved….hmmm. Could be some free donations….food….gift cards or even having them sponsor my events so I’m not having to come out of pocket with a lot of moolah. Looks like its time for me to hit the pavement. Might also be time to think about the benefits of having a roommate situation. Yeah I can’t believe I’m thinking of that either.

Thursday, June 13, 2019


At 12:00am I was barely getting set up here at work at the other post in the back when a white guy practically ran into the alley. I knew what he was gonna do so I jumped up out of my chair so I could run over open the door and yell at him to stop. Dude had already unzipped his pants and was about to pee. He went “I’m stopping I’m stopping” and “Good catch” He also mumbled something about wishing 7/11 would let him use the restroom.  It happened again with another white guy. This was around 1:45am. A homeless man this time. I barely got to him in time to stop him. These guys must have the power to unzip at super speed. Lord my life. Just gotta hang in here until I can save up enough moolah to move out of Cali.

I had to run for the bus again last night. I was waiting for a long time for the usual express bus but it never came. So when I noticed the regular route bus I had to dash across the street like a maniac and luckily the driver saw me coming and waited a few moments. She told me the express bus may have broken down or something. I think she also said she saw it behind her. This kinda weird acting black guy who was sitting near me took a plastic bottle he was drinking from and kinda crumpled it in between the seats. I guess he left it there. It amazes me how people can just litter with no concern for the environment. Earlier in the day a guy I always talk to on the bus (another guard from a different company) simply put a can of energy drink he was drinking from down on the ground and left it standing there when the bus pulled up. (Man is this A/C kicking in here. I was shocked the guard I’m rotating with complained because he always turns the thermostat down to 62 in the lobby and I turn it back up to 70) Ironically the thermostat in here is stuck at 62. I’m so glad my new long sleeve and jacket came earlier in the day. My higher power was looking out for me.

I was listening to KCRW earlier and I heard something about Donald Tramp. Er Trump trying to get executive privilege to basically protect him from any legal action I guess. Theres been a lot of drama these last few years with the democratic party trying to find evidence that Russia helped his election happen. Now all kinds of stuff is coming up about his financial dealings and he won’t reveal his tax records. Also this Mueller report came out that has some stuff in it that supposedly implicates him in some shadey dealings. Some dude was supposed to testify but he basically ignored the court summons and its all such a mess. I’m so tired of hearing about Donald Trumps scandals and Tariffs or strange things he’s doing that’s making a lot of enemies for the US. I’m bewildered he has any support at all by this point but here we are years into his presidency. Whats even more mind boggling to me is the fact he might actually win another election. I say that because….well he won the first time around which made no sense. Nothing makes sense when someone with no political background and a questionable ethics system can win over candidates who are much more qualified for the job. He has accomplished NOTHING and lies about so many things. I respected him on Apprentice but that was before I came to see how messed up he is as a person.

I went to the movies with my movie buddy again. I’m pretty much convinced he’s straight. He’s young. Cute. Funny. I guess he’s a blerd too. (A black person who is a nerd) I am trying to get comfy with that word. It brings back some painful memories from my youth. Anyway its kind of a social experiment for me. You know. Trying to see how I can be when interacting with humans. Over the last 10-15 years (maybe more) I’ve kinda turned into a hermit. A shadow of who I was. A lot of it comes from rejections. Being around fucked up individuals plus having to deal with neighbors who I am convinced are trying to turn me into a serial killer because of the crazy things they have done to me. Most things I cannot prove because they are sneaky and smart enough to avoid detection. I have had packages taken. People have spit on my door. I have had soiled panties put in the dryer with my clothes and chewing gum stuck in my door keyhole. Someone even sent the police to my house one night. These people are lucky we didn’t have video cameras in the hallways years ago. Its very likely in a perfect world of justice I’d have a hell of a lawsuit but since its just my word against theirs I have to grin and bear their presence until I can move next year. Well unless I come into money before then by a book deal or a film etc. In all my life I have seen the evil men can do to each other but these people have really taken it to a whole other level and I can’t even imagine what they would do to someone who really was a threat to them. I have merely fought to survive their shit for at least 15 years. I believe ONE female is behind all of this so that’s why in my “SonsofLegend Universe” the main villain behind everything is a woman named Oasis.

An old flame resurfaced yesterday. We went out waaaaaay back in the day. I think he’s from Belize. Nice guy and all. Probably was triggered by some new photos I put up on social media yesterday. I am not really into feeling him and I don’t think it would be a good idea to date someone else who is not at least partially a Blerd. Been there done that. Even though I looooove men from DEM ISLANDS. African. Belize. Puerto Rican. Haiti. Etc. I dunno what it is with me and American Black men. They either ignore me or just give me this look like I don’t belong or something. Is it in my mind? I was on my way to work and this black guy walked past me and gave me a cold look when I tried to acknowledge him As a defense mechanism I guess I tell myself I should know better and that I should expect hostility from brothas. So I shouldn’t be surprised when I get dissed. Then when someone could actually be trying to be friendly in their own weird way I put up walls because I’m getting mixed signals which makes me give off mixed signals. Then every now and then I read a poem or see something someone else wrote online about how dejected and unworthy they felt until they met someone who got them to believe again you know? I have been rejected by men so much I honestly believe its starting to awaken some bisexual feelings I never had before. Thing is women to me are in a sexual sense icky. Many of my heroes are women because most men are idiots but that does not mean I lay awake at night fantasizing about sleeping with them. Why do I say most men are idiots? Well how often do you hear about women going around and beating up people or being serial killers? How often have you heard of women terrorists? School shooters or rapists? How often have you heard about any woman killing some guy because he was gay? Yes guys are awesome and I owe a lot to some who have helped me or inspired me yet many of my most horrifying experiences/memories in life came about due to the actions of a dude either directly or indirectly. So whatever.  

The guy from Belize has resurfaced before. He’s looking a lot better these days too. I dunno. Theres this guy on social media who has been liking a lot of my photos lately. I think he’s hot. He has that perfect blend of ruggedness and handsomeness I like. Beautiful brown skin and he has a nice body too. He also is a father. I just have reservations about dating guys with kids because well its like if someone has a pet or a kid they have to like you. Just like friends and family of that guy have to like you.  It can be a hassle and I had some bad experiences which make me wanna date loners yet these are the types of guys who generally tend to have the most issues when it comes to being in relationships you know? I guess it couldn’t be a bad thing for me to overcome some of my social awkwardness or shyness. Sometimes I do get the feeling I’m not supposed to be this way only I let some messed up folks affect the light inside that wants to shine. That may have come across cornier than how it sounded in my mind. I am thinking of forming a movie group or a video game type of social club to help me connect with other people and fix some of my issues. The comics,videogames and artistic endeavors help but its time to crack this shell. At least alittle bit.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

A couple of buddies asked me if they could crash at my place because they have fallen upon hard times. One is a dude who does art for me often. His car got towed and thats where he's been sleeping since he lost his apartment awhile back. He's been spending alot of time in coffee shops too. I was tempted to let him come stay with me. God knows I sure could use some help cleaning up my place. But right now my apartment is so cluttered because of all those months I spent in a deep depression mode I am still fighting to bounce back from. I don't know if I can stand having someone else in such close quarters. My place is small enough as it is. Someone else who lives in Detroit wanted to come stay with me. he's a rapper who I came into contact with years ago when I was looking for some music for my one of my webseries. He like my artist friend is straight so that already automatically means things will be awkward. I don't care what anyone says, It is almost always gonna be awkward being friends with a straight man. Not so much women but they can be awkward too. Dude has a temper on him too. I have observed from a distance some of the crazy situations he's gotten himself in because he posts things about his life on social media. He has a tendacy to get himself in messed up situations too. No I don't think he's a bad person. I don't even know what kinda energy he has so it would be too idealistic to just let someone you haven't been around in your space. Perhaps I can let him come visit. As long as there is a return trip ticket. Don't get me wrong a roomie could work out if I have my own room. Which I would not have in this situation. The other person is an actor who worked with me on a project I have all but banished into nothingness. I'd still like to revisit the project because I was on a mission to turn all of my published stories into short films. I got sidetracked mostly because of attempts to modernize the stories instead of just leaving them how they are. Dude got into with family members and was forced to leave. He's a gay guy. Kinda cute. A little fruity but he's cool. I feel bad for his his situation but he's got access to his gym and he is able to go back to get things from his family. I have been attracted to this guy for a minute but my "bottom sense" in his presence so theres that. Its strange that mostly the idea of having sex with anybody feels like....something that might not ever happen again. So I see people who are hot then its like in the back of my mind I'm thinking they would never wanna be with someone like me. I went all off topic. I guess that was all to say mentally I'm getting to a place where I'm starting to only really worry about how I feel about me. I'd like to get in better shape. I'd like to travel more. I'd like to get to where I'm better off financially and to a place where I am only doing what I want workwise. Most guys just seem to be morons and at best a distraction I simply can't waste energy on anymore. So having some guy around me who might kinda know I feel some kinda way but they don't....well I just don't wanna be manipulated. Ain't nobody got time for that.

The Sneaky African said he was gonna beat my butt if he comes here and this place is junky. He's planning to come in July so that gives me at least a month to get it together. I need to probably clean this carpet. I need to throw out this bed and get a couch bed. I want to get another tv. A flat screen and throw the big box tv out or give it away. That way when I have guests over we won't be crowded around my small flat screen. I think its about 25inches. One of my actors who I went to the movies with recently wants to come over and I have been basically stalling because I don't want anyone over here to see how it looks now. Its kinda hard for me to throw stuff away and storage costs might be high but storage would be the quick and easy way to get some of this stuff out of here. Don't wanna just start throwing away things you know? They say if you haven't worn something in 6 months you should toss it. I have two more days of vacation left so maybe I can fill a couple of trash bags with undesirables and decide whether to donate or throw them out. Been putting this shit off too long. Could ask one of the guys to come stay here a few days and then instead of asking them for money I can request their help in moving some things around. It was hard not letting them come the other night and I felt bad advising my artist dude he could find refuge in Denny's or on late night trains or buses. You know its hard to get people to leave at times once you let them in right? Thats what I'm worried about. I've had some bad roommate situations. Just don't want no mess. So if I do do this brief thing I need to let people know there is a clear time to go because my manager would be pissed if I let someone stay longer than 2 weeks. Ain't nobody else's name going on my rental agreement. I did it with The Sneaky African because he was a gem. Most other people are NOT a joy to live with or to be around. I gotta think more on this shit. Damn.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Rantings and thingamagigs.

Yesterday in the morning when I got off work I walked across the street like I usually do to catch the bus and had an encounter with a homeless out of his mind individual who started kicking things over as I talked with a fellow security officer. For like the past year I have been Uber or Lyft reliant because I got tired of dealing with nutcases on the train or bus. But of course you can’t really escape from them as they seem to be everywhere. LA has a biiiiig homeless problem and its even crazier when you consider many of these people might actually be a danger. Months ago a guy walked over to a 5 year old kid in The Mall of America and simply tossed him off the balcony. Last night while riding the bus to work this guy stumbled on the bus and then after sorta pleading with the driver to allow him to ride free he went about talking in a kinda loud alarming fashion. He actually seemed to be directing his energy at me so after a few minutes I got up and moved because I just didn’t want any of that negative energy to get on me. He goes “Yeah go ahead and move you so and so” to which I replied “Yeah that’s exactly what I’m gonna do because you CRAZY!” His response? “Born this way” Someone in the back of the bus started saying crazy stuff and I think the crazy guy figured it was me because he never looked back to see where it was coming from but for a moment until he got off I thought I might actually have to fight this guy.  Then I get here at work and this transgendered prostitute was trying to come use back alley to change. I told her no and she yelled “SO FUCKING RUDE!”. The same prostitute came around to the front claiming to live here but thankfully the other guard didn’t let her in.  Later a client who stayed out past curfew was irate because we wouldn’t let her in. I started getting a slight headache and had to take an exceddrin before it got worse. Friday can’t get here fast enough.

I was on facebook earlier today and this message popped up from some guy asking me to delete his page. That feeling inside told me to just delete him and move on but I responded saying I don’t know you and who are you? Then he said he didn’t associate with lame phony people. I got kinda pissed and blocked him with a report to facebook. The whole thing was so weird how it just literally came out of nowhere and changed my energy. It was a wake up call that I need to give a wide berth to social media. I think I have an idea of who the person might have been. It could be someone I have to come into contact with in my daily life or it could be one of these fake profiles from Africa. It could even be a disgruntled person who worked with me on one of my productions. (Yeah I am mindful there are some people out there who definitely do NOT like me) I cut someone off earlier because they wouldn’t do a face chat which is a red flag to me. Like what have you got to hide? Are you someone else? Are you a woman pretending to be a guy and you have all these attractive photos you stole from someone posted on your profile that are supposed to be you? The world is full of crazy angry people anxious to spread that negativity around. I guess it makes them feel good. I try to be careful when I write stuff these days because I don’t want everything I create to be a reaction from something stupid someone did to me. I just don’t want all my art coming from a bad place. What if someone purposely did something to piss me off then they go on my blog or facebook to get a kick out of getting to me? (Call me paranoid but I have no idea who reads my shit. It might shock me if I knew though!) I can’t let people make me out to be who they want me to be. I think I have wasted so much of my life doing that. Its just a trip people put so much energy into trying to tear someone down as if we didn’t already have enough shit going on in our lives to deal with.  Bottom line I people will come for you. No matter who you are. I guess we just have to be fiercely protective of our energy as well as who we allow in our space. I really do enjoy people some of the time (I swear) but if I had enough money I would probably live somewhere far from them. 

Getting the Sasquatch script done has been a struggle but it has finally been completed. It clocks in at 40 pages. Theres a lot of special effects which is something that the director wants to work on in a re-write while also making sure the script is at industry format. The plan is to do four episodes and then a short film and then finally a bigger full length project that will tie together all my webseries. The script is actually pretty damned good. It could actually work as a kick ass short film. It would certainly be great if I had some investors but I’m scared to go down that road again. I can’t have someone else come along and turn my project into what they think it should be to the point it barely resembles anything I created. Then comes the question of if you liked my work so much why the hell did you alter it so much? People be having their own agendas. They see you have something (a crew,actors,resources) then they wanna jump on board and TAKE OVER so they can steer the project towards their own interests. I am gonna be open minded about changes being made to cut costs but if I feel its too far from what I created I won’t go along with it. I was able to cast Sasquatch himself yesterday. He’s a very handsome muscular Latino actor who has just that right iconic and unique look/style. There are actually two Sasquatch characters in my universe but I won’t have to worry about casting him for quite some time.  I cast Harthley who is kinda my characters love interest. The actor has the right look but he has an aggressive type personality. Sorta like he’s had a rough life and doesn’t really like or trust people. (Sounds familiar) Seems to be a loner type and it might be difficult working with him. But out of all the actors here in LA he was the only one who seemed dedicated enough to take on the role so….well theres that. Which means a lot. Harthley is actually supposed to be a very laid back and friendly kind of guy. I just don’t want him to come across as being mean so me and the director understand we have to sit down and talk with this guy to make sure he can BE HARTHLEY. The director has more faith than me. When I met dude he just seemed a lot cooler and friendlier. I have to have chemistry onscreen with him and I guess I’m just concerned it might not translate and that’s not saying he’s not good. Maybe I’m thinking too much about this. Truth is I am gonna need to take some training as far as acting goes so I won’t look hokey compared to the other talent. Something else for me to spend money on huh? Who knows….maybe I will get bit by the acting bug. Still its not like I don’t know actors who can work with me. Something I have heard on the radio or somewhere recently was about a particular method that actors like Robert De Niro utilize for their craft. That interests me for some reason. What if I’m the next big thing in acting? A diamond in the rough. Wouldn’t that be a trip?

The Sneaky African says he wants to come visit in July. I might go see him in August. Maybe this month. I sure need a break from LA. Jonathan is the only person who has consistently showed an interest in me. I have always felt that man (if he existed) would be from another country you know? The distance thing has been an issue of course and he’s always ragging on me about not wanting to leave Cali. I do wanna leave Cali. I just don’t wanna do it BROKETH. I figure if I can save up about 10 grand that will be a nice little nest egg. Honestly theres really nothing holding me here. No one in Cali has shown any romantic interest in me for years. So that’s out. And sure this is a cool job with excellent benefits yet I have been feeling like I don’t belong here for awhile now so its time to start planning on leaving. My goal is to stay till Feb 2020. So I am gonna have to make some sacrifices. Maybe my internet? That’s $50 a month I could save. Been thinking about my phone too since people really don’t call me. That’s an extra $30 I could do without. One guy I know stayed in a shelter for a year to save up moolah. There are a couple of dudes who asked if they could stay with me till they get back on their feet. Its tempting but my place is so small and cluttered at the moment. Been considering doing some type of video game parties to raise moolah. How will that affect my filming/projects if I cut back on spending? These are things I am gonna have to think hard on over the next 8 months. In the meantime I'm gonna take it one day at a time. Saw Godzilla and Brightburn (more on that later) over the last few weeks. This weekend its E3. Maybe a buddy can get me in....