Thursday, June 13, 2024

Confessions of a sad superhero book 151

Theres this song that KROQ plays often.....  

Its one of those though provoking songs like.....

These songs always make me think about family...friends...people I know. Makes me wonder how much time I have left with these people and the impact they have made on my life. Often I get this sinking feeling you know like...well its something we probably don't want to think about. That day our parents leave us. When our siblings or other relatives transition. I mean...when they're gone they're gone and there will be no more hugs or holidays with them so its really important to enjoy the time you have with loved ones. Its a bit cliche to say this but give them their flowers now. Its these thoughts that help me put things in perspective. Don't waste time on the things/people that don't really matter. Manage your time wisely my friend. Spend time with your loved ones while you still can. I can't speak for anyone else but my mother and my father gave me a gift I can never repay and it hurts when I think that I have not been as appreciative. It also hurts to know my little sister is gone and I never got the chance to get to know her. It bothers me when I think about...well I should have done better by her as a brother.  Gotta make more of an effort to be involved before its too late. It'll hurt more when they leave probably but its okay because at least I can take solace that I gave them some happiness in life.  Thats all I have to say about that. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Confessions of a sad superhero book 150

 Things wrong with the world.

1. Not letting the entire songs "When Doves Cry" and "Thriller" play. I mean why do they do that? Thriller without Vincent Price is ridiculous. When Doves Cry feels almost blasphemous without that crazy guitar and synthesizer at the end. 

2. Donald Trump still being able to run for the Presidency after all the messes he's made. I mean I know there is no other person of note to represent Republicans but man!

3. Bosses who power trip. Last week near the end of my shift my supervisor came over and told me to put the popcorn I was eating away. Then she asked me to hand it to her like I was a kid in elementary school! Also I was just told something happend over the weekend and they are cracking down on us having any type of electrical device at the desk at work. Not even our phones. Lord let me have the strength to hang in here for another year so I can save up enough money to quit. 

So my website is coming together and the company making it is already charging me $400 for that and now they are saying I need to pay like another $2000 for them to do some marketing and get some QRC codes made for my three comics. I mean I know these are important things and I wanna get an LLC to make my business legit to sell my books, "NWB" shirts and hats which would also give some tax incentives yet a co-worker said I shouldn't be putting out that much money unless I'm actually making money. To be honest I have not really made much of anything off my work and its frustrating but marketing and promotions are very important because you need to build a buzz for your product and when you come across a s a legit business you'll be taken more seriously when you present your stuff. I can't be acting like I have a million bucks though and I guess for the things I can't afford to pay for it might be a good idea to learn how to do some of these things myself as opposed to paying others to do it for me you know? 

Lately I have been watching a bunch of true crime and police videos on Youtube and its so crazy some of the things folks do or what cops have to deal with. I watched one video earlier about these two brothers who tried to kill their parents. One of the brothers was so handsome and well spoken its just insane to see someone like that making some crazy decisions that could totally derail their lives. I think about the crazy stuff The Dangerous African went thru with his kids or all the crazy things my brother did that put him at odds with my mother. Yeah when I was a youngin I did some crazy things because my brain was not mature or whatever but some of the things these kids do (especially black kids) just blows my mind. I think the future of black people might be endangered due to how some of these kids are acting who will grow up to be our future. Its in the music they listen to. How they treat each other and how they are even raising their own kids when they really have no business being parents in the first place. I see people addicted to drugs. Cigarettes. Alcohol. I see people with anger issues and immature behavior...lack of morals and mental inadequacies then you have the ones who just wanna go around robbing folks and the ones who KILL without remorse because something inside them is just broken. Yes the world had its craziness when I was coming up but the way things are now just makes me wanna not even come out of the house sometimes.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Confessions of a sad superhero book 149

 The other day on my way home from Mickey D's this Latino security guard at the donut shop remarked that my black power shirt was nice. Really was nice to get a compliment from someone you know? Not something that happens often. But its amazing how something so small ans simple can make someones day you know? Being noticed. People saying nice things about you and not trying to kill you, take advantage or hinder you in some way most of the time. Theres this really cool scene in the Antwon Fisher movie where he goes home for the first time after a life of hardship and everyone is sitting around the table smiling, happy to see him and theres all this delicious looking food and...thats just such a powerful image for me. 

Been dreaming alot as usual. The other day it was a nightmare though. First one in quite some time. Some crazy evil folks were trying to get me and The Dangerous African. Not sure what they wanted but I'm sure it was nothing nice so we were running and hiding trying to get away. It was disturbingly real so I made it my business to call him. Just to say hello really but man has this mans kids put him through hell over the years. I feel so bad every time he tells me all the crazy stuff he's had to deal with. Incredible stuff that does sound like some kind of horror film. I may go visit for my birthday. Something to think about I guess. Money is tight these days though as I have so many things to focus on. Theres the cartoon and then I'm going to IGN Live this coming weekend and I may have Thurgod video us for a Nerds episode which is gonna cost. Also I have people working on a website for me so I can start selling my books and things. Yes it was expensive (!) but like James Brown would say..."You gotta pay the cost to be the boss" 

I was reading something the other day that Indie Irie posted on Instagram about taking time away from the biz to focus on self health. I was compelled to write comment was that I plan to save up and give myself an extended vacation next year. We all need time out sometimes because life can be a trip and the brain needs time to heal...sadly many folks didn't get the memo. Mental health is a VERY real thing and they say brain cells don't grow back when you lose them...