Monday, May 27, 2024

Confessions of a sad superhero book 148

 "Writing frees me"

So I'm here at the Grove bookstore again. I guess this is my other getaway spot since I'm hesitant about riding over to Long Beach after what happened the last time I rode the train. I ordered this mango cheesecake and a caramel macchiato (hot). Also grabbed a red bull for later. Watermelon flavor I think. I needed to get out and write. So much going on inside so I'm here at this crowded coffee shop armed with my trusty Asus laptop and yes the Steam Deck is at the ready in my backpack. I went to see Mad Max Furiosa just before coming here. It was a long and action packed epic. I mean I love the first Mad Max and I knew I'd like this one but I wasn't sure if I'd come out to the theater to watch it. Movies are kinda expensive. It cost me $20.00 to watch Furiosa. I sat as close as I could to the front. I usually try to sit away from other people because everytime somebody moves it screw with my peripheral vision. Still the reclining seats were nice. Was that what the $20.00 was for? Anyway this Memorial day weekend is flying by and I've been just laying around trying to get out of some kind of funk. I was at home laying in bed watching Spawnwave on Youtube when my next door neighbor started doing their tap on the wall routine they have often done in the past especially if I am talking on the phone. My guess is they probably thought I was talking and they do these little things to annoy me. Its weird and this has I kid you not been going on for over 20 years. Often they watch me through their peep hole and sometimes they rattle it loud enough to get my attention if I'm coming or going from my place. I don't even like talking about it but someone once told me this is someone who is mentally ill and I should not give energy to it. Anyway I was pissed off when I was leaving out and stuck up my middle finger because I knew they were watching me leave out for the movies. Speaking of the movie it was AMAZING! I will try to sum the story up best as I can...So theres this little girl named Furiosa who is out in the woods with another little girl and they are gathering apples. Its made clear that they are probably doing something wrong and they definitely have wandered further away from their village than is allowed. Anyway Furiosa and the other girl notice some outsiders are near. Apparently these are bad men so Furiosa goes over to stealthily sabotage their motorcycles. Unfortunately Furiosa isn't as good at stealth as she likes to believe because one of the men catches her in the act and so she is taken. She manages to blow this whistle though which alarms others in her village. Some village folk give chase including Furiosa's mother who handily takes out most of the guys who have taken Furiosa all except one who basically limps with Furiosa into the camp.  The leader of the camp (Chris Hemsworth) is trying to get the location of Furiosa's camp from the man who brought her there but he has been grieviously wounded and dies before being able to say anything and Furiosa just remains silent. Furiosa's mother arrives at the camp and liberates Furiosa. A chase ensues and after a desperate battle both are caught. Furiosa has to watch her mother get killed because they refuse to divulge the location of the village. Furiosa is taken under the wing of the leader and she ends up being traded to this ruler of a city as some sort of peace treaty like agreement. As time goes on Furiosa rises up through the ranks and becomes a certified bad ass. She ends up becoming friends with this guy who is some sort of royal smuggler I guess. The way this happens is she saves his ass from a horde of would be thieves. Seeing her potential he decides to take her under her wing and train her to become even more of a bad ass. (Quite a bit of coughing and sneezing going on in this place. I often wonder why folks don't take medicine to keep these symptoms at bay when they go out in public) Okay so back to the movie...Furiosa and smuggler dude end up getting in serious like with each other and they get involved in a scheme to trick Chris Hemsworth but things go wrong and after some more epic chases and battles smuggler dude is killed which really pisses Furiosa off even moreso than she already is and she goes all stabby shooty with the vengeance until she attains her oh so important goal of un-aliving Chris Hemsworth for killing her mom and all those other nasty things he has managed to rack up in the almost 3 hour run time of the film.The end. Having said all that I really enjoyed the movie and yes that means it along with Godzilla Minus will eventually end up in my physical home video collection. Also yes I do recommend it to anyone who likes action flicks because in this movie the action comes fast,furiosa and so often its nearly exhausting in a good way of course! (I'm listening to Alfa Mist on Amazon music by the way)

The last time I spoke to my therapist she asked me to compile some of my dreams so I'm gonna start making compilations here. But thats for later. I have been having plenty lately. Not sure whats up with that. 

Things at work are still weird. I noticed when I came back from my little vacation a week ago someone ate my chocolate cake I'd left in the fridge. Also someone covered the stack of my comics one content creator at work had out on a table in his office. Also someone erased my response to these little random questions usually left on a bulletin board in one of the little copy rooms. Its also been brought to my attention people have been spreading rumors about me. I've tried to stay out of folks way as to avoid this nonsense but it bothered me enough that I mentioned it to one of my supervisors. It seems whatever mess someone was doing that got the center into trouble over illegal downloads...well somehow folks are just assuming it was me, saying it was me because I bring my computer to work to play games and try to stay out of their faces. Its never enough. People aren't satisfied even when you go out of your way to stay to yourself. Ever since I had that talk with a supervisor months ago after I "offended" a co-worker I have strived to adhere to her advice of only keeping conversations with co-workers at a minimum. Hello and goodbye you know. Best way to stay out of trouble. I used to wonder why some people are like this. Now I know it was because they are among the wise.

I guess the more I think about how strangely some folks have been behaving towards me it makes perfect sense someone is creating a false narrative. Yeah, I've always known folks talk but its something I don't dwell on. Am I to start handing out lawsuits then? I have often entertained the idea of suing folks and it seems extreme but sometimes a show of force is the only thing some people understand. I think it would freak people out because they are assuming one would not go that far...

Production on the SonsOfLegend film will pick back up soon. I'm thinking next month. The script is done and I'm having someone do a comic book illustration. Since I'm planning on getting storage space I've gotta start pinching pennies. I will do the crowdfunding thing but I want to have a nice little "press it" done for that. This includes the comic and maybe a trailer. Could compile some of the older episodes too I suppose. Realistically I could shoot some sort of teaser to build awareness for SOL. Also I'm building a connected universe. Was always doing that until everything got derailed by Brianopolis and company because they didn't understand or believe enough in what I was doing. The cinematographer thinks we could shoot everything for under 10 grand and I could raise that myself . It would just take more time and crowdfunding would work faster and I wouldn't be broke. So far I cut out some of the streaming services and I'm making conscious effort to curb my spending. Not that I live extravagantly but the constant Lyft and Uber rides back home and to work have to stop. I decided not to buy anymore new videogames until next year...well maybe I will cut my fast when Nintendo releases their new console. I have more than enough games and systems to keep me busy for awhile plus theres that backlog. Still planning to go home to see family. Florida (Mom) for Halloween and I think I will go see my father in NC for Thanksgiving. So I gotta start putting money aside for that. Need to get some much needed dental work done. So theres that. Also theres the not so small matter of me renovating or de-cluttering my apartment. I'd like to do more Nerds With Badges episodes. Maybe I could become a real mover and shaker as a content creator. God knows I never really run out of things to talk about yet theres the elephant in the room. I think I need a co-host or at the very least guests. The last time I shot NWB it wasjust me and Miguel. Its odd that some folks who seem to like some of the things I like have such a hard time talking about them or joining forces with someone else to build something bigger together. Guess we all express our passion differently and some of us are just lone wolves.

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