Friday, May 10, 2024

Confessions of a sad superhero book 147

Tues and Wednesday I didn't go to work. I have been feeling kinda out of it lately plus I had a slight cold and a headache that lasted for days. So I took two days to recover. I think sometimes my body reaches a point where it needs time to deal with stress or a cold and when I take time off my body is like...okay now we can get sick and feel messed up but when we are on the job gotta stay up. Its weird I know. Still I definitely needed those days. For physical and mental relief. Speaking of mental health my therapist called me Wednesday and I spent around 30 minutes catching her up on everything thats happened since we last spoke which was quite some time ago. Its hard to believe Ashley's baby is almost two now. Time flies. This is great for her though as she has been able to have more time for clients. Ashley wants me to give her a dream journal since I told her about my frequent dreaming. I think I probably dream more than anyone else on this planet. Its funny though that I usually have vivid dreams after intense masturbation. Right at that moment of explosion I often experience this white flash and I just know from past experience a dream or some dreams are coming. No pun intended. (People around here at the workplace are doing plenty of sneezing or coughing. I have noticed most of the time people still cover their mouths with their hands or not at all and I often wonder why folks don't use cough drops or something when they have a cold...) 

Anyway I am supposed to be going on vacation next week yet no one seems to know where the paperwork which I had approved last month is so I'm stressing over that even if I am wondering if I should even take the time off since it looks like I won't be going out of town for the Michigan Comic Con I'd planned for. Lack of finances. I could get my tickets at the last minute as payday is a few days before the event but I dunno. The Dangerous African and i had a talk the other day via Facebook Messenger and I'd really like to go visit him now especially since he basically has an empty nest. Alot of drama has gone down with that man and his kids over the years and let me tell you he is sooo happy to finally be free after having to put some folks out. Flights to North Dakota are kinda pricey though so we'll see how I feel or what happens regarding my time off paperwork. 

-To Be Continued-

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