Monday, July 26, 2021

Confessions of a sad superhero book 41

 Freestyle blog thingie poem thingie....

It was raining so 

I went out

thought the people would be inside

but they got the same memo because there were so many at the market

and I don't know why I spent so much money.

I don't know why I got so paranoid 

and thought 

they thought I had stolen something

even though they said the suspicious guy was wearing a grey shirt

(Maybe it was code because the security seemed to be sizing me up

and I don't know why I keep thinking that stupid alarm will beep when I walk out the store)

a lot of folks been talkin about aliens

Homeless and mentally ill are everywhere it seems

(Its pretty much an everyday thing at work now)

I can't get this "butterfly" remix by Mariah outta my head

That old covid is trying to make a comeback and they might need another lockdown

(so tired of these masks)

Stifling and maybe messing with my respiratory system.

And man who is giving the masks out at my job

because the street children ask me for them sometimes 

and I don't say no.

(Are we supposed to give them out?)

I was watching the news this morning and it made me start worrying

this year may still end up being the mess last year was.

May have to push back my filming dates

because of money

(lack thereof)

At least my comic is almost done. 

Might not be able to go to Disney for my birthday 

if these covid numbers keep going up

plus I won't be able to go see Captain Liberia

 in North Dakota.

Still hanging in there at my job

Still dealing with being around so many low frequency folks

especially you know who who was copying me

so much more than I realized.

(Why was he doing that?)

I'm glad my feelings for dude are fading

as I was really wondering how much longer could I work 

at that place

with this person who didn't seem to care at all about anyone save himself

yet the other day at work he actually showed concern and kindness to a homeless guy.

That surprised me truthfully.

So if I cancel going to Disney with my friend who I kinda think is cool and dateable

will he be disappointed?

Why on Earth did I pass up a chance to go to a gathering and possibly meet Micki Howard?

Why haven't I completely abandoned dating altogether?

Never seem to work out for me

even though I keep hearing

you're supposed to think positive and you will attract favorable results in life.

I feel like my mind has been pushed waaaay further than is healthy 

by unhealthy people who have infected my life with their shit.

Mental scars

anti-social behavior 

even if I really do enjoy people


Mostly in my mind I am hanging out with and having adventures with animals

I won't get one until I feel I am ready to be a caregiver

and the irony is I might need one to be that spiritual airfreshner to turn me into

a caregiver.

None of these humans I am interested in seem interested enough to care.

Stupid dating app has so many hot-muscled masculine looking guys

but how many profiles are fake?

Feels like we're worshipping straight guys most of the time

or going after men with straight qualities

Dudes don't wanna talk on the phone because they wanna hide queeniness

Some got old photos

plus they usually seem to be far away.

So much of the time I look at these guys and I feel

what can I offer?

My body isn't like Shazam!

My bank account 

and school levels are low

plus my credit is wack.

They don't even seem to notice me

the one more pre-occupied with getting his damaged mind in better shape.

I'm a black 85% gay man who is a nerd

yet I feel I am ultimately of neither world.

Trying to get more in the state of mind to clean up

doing laundry was a breakthru

can't do no more cuz theres a coin shortage

thought my shrink was calling today

she didn't

I think I am being gradually weaned.

Wanna move

Need to put so much in storage though.

Keep dreaming vaquely

Trying not to touch myself so much

cuz I feel its drawing low frequency energy from some of those guys I think about during the act

When will I finally get serious about my diet

serious enough to cut out all meat except seafood?

I'm swimming in a sea of emotions

over my brother getting physical with my stepdad

over the sister I barely knew passing away

over so many people I left behind who used to be a part of my life

and I really wish I had a chance to go back and change 

how I shut myself off from the world for so long.

But I guess I did it to help me process the blinding flood of maturity

some clarity even.

Its true what they say about life then

you can get what you want

when you use what you got.

You can get it.

Its a tradeoff.

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