Thursday, May 13, 2021

Confessions of a sad superhero book 34



The shuttle came to pick me up from my job around 4:45am-ish. It was supposed to be there at 4:30am but there was no problem with me getting to the airport on time. Its crazy that the super shuttle type services I usually use for flights have now gone bankrupt or apparently out of business. At least thats what the driver told me. When I got to the airport I had to get one of the associates to help me check in because now you can't just simply do it on the kiosk with your credit card. I heard fraud is the reason. Leave it up to stupid humans to ruin things. I  checked in the luggage case the cute guy sold me. I just packed it with clothes mostly. I put all my electronics and gadgets in my big backpack. (I still miss the one E-Zilla gave me years ago) I didn't take my laptop or any electronics out of my backpack as I hate putting my shit on those nasty ass trays I never see them sanitize. But they did kinda bug me about it because they needed to look inside my backpack. Honestly I think I hate checking in more than anything else involved with catching the plane. Surprisingly I slept much of the plane ride. I was pretty tired. Not just physically but emotionally as well. 

The flight to Charlotte was like 4 hours and the connecting flight to Raleigh was around 30 minutes. Dad and my nephew Semaj picked me up at the airport. I think the drive back to his place in Robersonville took around an hour. We talked on the way and I asked my father some questions about Crystal. Mostly I just wanted to know the whole story. Dad and another person had to break into Crystals house when she didn't answer and Dad found her unresponsive on her bed. He tried to give her CPR and when the ambulance came they did the same thing but were unsuccessful. Dad was pretty calm yet I could see he was dealing with alot of stuff in his mind. I think the shock was still in effect. There was pain and weariness in his voice. He'd already lost a sister days before and now this insane tragedy was happening. It still seems like some terrible foggy dream I wish I could wake up from but it hasn't happened yet.

It was nice to see Geraline again. Geraline is my Dads wife and she is my second mother. I have so many fond memories of this woman who wrote me such a heartfelt letter years ago when I fell out of touch. Geraline would make banana pudding and marshmallow treats for me, my stepsister Tonya and Carlos Tonyas cousin. Geraline witnessed some of my epic childhood craziness as well. Like that time I caught this huge snapping turtle! Come to think of it I was usually getting myself into some crazy stuff. Dumb kid. She recently fought and overcame her own illness. Geraline worked for a company for probably around 30 years. I gotta say it was mindblowing how many people were in and out of that house the whole time I was there. They....we were all gonna need that support for what was to come.

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