Thursday, August 20, 2020

Confessions of a sad superhero book 20


Had quite the day today. I bought my small little Lenova laptop I bought years ago to replace the Toshiba one that Ezequiel helped me get (which ended up getting stolen in Detroit) I bought the Lenova for $139.00 and thought I was getting a good deal. Of course if I knew then how little you can do with 32 gigs of storage I would not have bought it. Now I have been struggling for awhile trying to find a solution to the lack of storage space and the fact the computer wouldn't allow me to do any updates even with external storage. So last night I was trying to trouble shoot and had finally reached the point where I was just gonna retire the kid in my locker but lo and behold in walks Kernel the resident computer genius guy (who I have always found to be cute in that rugged kind of way) My co-worker Wendell-Thanos was like "Heres the man you need to talk to" So I explained my computer woes because I really did not wanna abandon the laptop that had kept me afloat during some crazy times. Kernel told me to come around to his office so I went and got the laptop out of my locker. I'd just put her in there moments earlier. Kernel looked her over and determined the problem. There was literally no more space left and some hidden files were causing all the problems. Kernel spent hours trouble shooting until we were able to finally free up enough onboard space to wipe the system and start over again. Then after downloading the new windows we spent hours doing updates. I didn't get out of here (I'm at work now) until almost 11am and I was so tired I went straight to sleep after I got home. Its so amazing though to have my Lenova back functioning as if she were a brand new computer all over again. Kernel saved me alot of trouble and he provided a valuable service to me. I was actually gonna call on the dude who helped me add more storage and memory to my MSI baby that I'm on now. He's my gaming laptop. I'm kinda on the fence about whether or not I even need to invest in a next gen console  (PS5 or more than likely XBOX) when I have a perfectly capable $800.00 powerhouse who can run all those upcoming games. One of the cool things about gaming laptops nowadays is that you can either upgrade or simply install drivers to insure you have all the features to run the games. Plus with cloud gaming rapidly becoming a thing it can be said current owners of hardware might not ever need to buy anything else. With cloud gaming the heavy lifting is being done elsewhere so you can have even a shitty old computer and still be able to play super high Def Call of Duty in 3-D. (Mostly true) The games are actually streaming to you from another location like you would stream a Netflix movie. Thats the direction the gaming industry is heading. Some folks don't like it and I understand as I like owning my stuff without being so dependent on the internet. When you have a physical copy you own it as long as your machine can play it. You could concieveably maintain hardware forever if you take good care of it. Most people do not. The downside to "owning" and streaming digital media is you face the possibility of losing it if for whatever reason you lose internet access or the content becomes unavailable to redownload and you don't have it backed up somewhere. (Ask me how I know!) Sometimes companies lose licenses or disputes happen. Etc. Its kind of a mess. Well I am going to enjoy telling this little adventure to my shrink later. I also need to start writing stuff in my little composition notebook. She thinks its a good idea to write things down.

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