The world really is changing. The 7/11 down the street from here (at work now) is closing at 11pm now due to the number of incidents that keep happening at the store. Incidents with people of questionable character. Sometimes homeless. Sometimes mentally ill. Sometimes troublesome prostitutes. Sometimes folks looking to rob the place. This is pretty sad to me because I have been working at this company for almost 17 years and I've witnessed how crazy things have gotten in or around the center. Downright dangerous at times even. Prostitutes, pimps and druggies or drug dealers hanging around with the kids that live here. Yeah it does bother me that the center has to be associated with this element of society. Don't even get me started on all the fights that happen here with the youth and staff who have been assaulted. Folks already have a negative view of the lgbt community. These things don't help and having this place here in this area makes it a hotspot for craziness. In my honest opinion there should be a fence around the building and in a perfect world we'd have several police officers working HERE in the building with us 24/7 along with a crisis counselor individual. Probably a nurse on staff as well. Is it a money thing that we don't have these things? When I look around me and I see all the rich and powerful lgbt people with their expensive clothes, nice cars and big houses none of that makes any sense. Make it make sense.
I've been thinking hard about quitting here. Really hard. The pay is good and the benefits are off the chain but the level of stress associated with some of the things I deal with are working my nerves to the point where...well I can feel its taking a toll on me. Its time to go. Been working on my projects so thats a good thing. Been playing the lotto and trying to save money while trying to think where can I go to get away from the madness. When I first came to LA I didn't really understand why people walk away from good paying jobs and move out into the country to live in a little cabin but now I totally get it. In all honesty I don't know that I will ever feel "alright" but it is not good running around all the time in fight or flight mode because your environment won't allow you a moment to relax. Even at home sometimes I come under attack by neighbors. Its not as intense as it used to be but its still there. Almost as if to remind me they are still here and because they are unhappy or unable to move on so be damned if they let me properly heal. (Why not simply focus on living the best life they can with the time they have instead of focusing on me?) People are something else. Everytime I think about my stuff getting stolen here or the asshole who stole my shit in Detroit back in 2018 and all the things I have endured these last three years it is a bit much to take in. It does not escape me that there are people out here dealing with things that would probably keep me awake at night yet these scars on my brain might never completely heal. My nerves are shot to the point it may have given me conditions that prevent me from ever having emotionally satisfying relationships with anyone. Am I really not relationship material or did I just "become" from messing with fucked up individuals until the camels back broke? Its a question I'm asking a lot these days.
Been doing some research and it seems I have a rare(?) condition. Luckily after poking around I found others online in forums talking about this shit. The condition is where you unconsciously or uncontrollably watch others with peripheral vision. I honestly don't know what the hell this shit is or why it happens but its something I've struggled with since I was a youngin. Sometimes I wish I could wear those blinders like horses or funky glasses like Spiderman because it feels like I am processing information around me too much and too fast to properly focus and that is why I struggle to relax around others. I mean folks can feel it and it makes them uncomfortable. I've noticed some things though like if I am playing a really intense game and someone is near it gets harder for me to focus on what I'm doing because maybe I am hyper focused on EVERYTHING. Years ago when I went to apply for a job I remember a question on the application asked me to describe everthing happening in the room around me and I did describe EVERYTHING down to a tee. I did. No exaggeration here and I never heard back from the company because I figured I scared them? In hindsight now I realize this "superpower" like any other can be problematic without control. So how then do I control it? Funky Spiderman glasses? Sometimes the easiest way to solve a problem is to do nothing because its something you've had to deal with for so long it is "the new normal" or a readily available or practical solution isn't forthcoming.
Sony got hacked the other day. Ransomware they call it I guess. Not sure if they paid but its not in the news anymore and the CEO for PlayStation announced his retirement after 30 years. Coincidence? Was there something damning in those 6000 files? Also, some former Ubisoft execs got arrested for sexual harassment allegations. A few years ago someone at Activision got in trouble for that. Its so crazy when I think about that. People working for a videogame company getting in trouble for sexual shit. Then again there's an unhealthy amount of toxic behavior in this community. Has been for years. Thats why Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and other companies have had to invest so much in programs to protect online gamers from harassment or cheaters. What a mess we've made of things eh?
The Sasquatch animated short is moving along as well as my comic book projects and the soft reboot of my SonsofLegend webseries. There was an actor I really wanted to work with but he ghosted me and stopped returning my phone calls so I had to replace him. There was a cool actor who had responded to an earlier ad I'd placed on Craigslist for a voice actor. I liked how he looked and presented himself. A humble, educated and accomplished actor with plenty of talent can bring alot to a project. He'd be playing the role of Karter who is the son of Devin (The nephillim main character of SOL) Damon who plays "Devin" has been with me since my very first SOL project which was a teaser! He was more than happy to come back to reprise his role. The script for SonofLegend is done but it dawned on me I need to go back to make some key changes to make the story center more on Devin as he struggles to launch his unique reality tv show that trains wannabe superheroes. In the past for some reason this aspect of the concept was glossed over. Also, I don't wanna have so many characters running around because it bogs the story down. Sasquatch And The Mythology Sisterhood (my replacement for the property I lost ownership of Daughters Of Legend) was to be the relaunch of my SonsOfLegend universe yet I decided I'll go the route of relaunching SOL first and then bring in "The Squatch" afterwards. The cartoon will be my first SOL related project to launch though unless it takes longer to put together than the first episode of SOL. The first SOL episode could be pilot I suppose but I dunno. The length isn't something I have decided yet. If its to actually be considered a real short film with meat on its bones I think at least 15 minutes is ideal. I think I can set up a good story while introducing the concept and getting folks intriqued about what will happen next in 15 minutes. Considering the attention span of many these days you really don't wanna go longer than that. 15 minutes can fit on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook and an edited version can run on TikTok. Twitter can have the trailer. As was my plan from the VERY beginning of all this I wanna do a few episodes of four webseries...SonsofLegend,Sasquatch and The Mythology Sisterhood,Sins Of Legend and DragonManx then bring everything together in a full length film. That was my plan but it was derailed because my investor at the time and other parties who agreed with him didn't share or understand my vision. I spoke with a director yesterday who has equipment and he seemed interested enough in the SOL concept to ask for the script. I really hope he takes the job so we can get this ball rolling as I have been away from filmmaking for too long. I realize this is something dear to me. It just makes me feel more alive doing this shit you know? Thinking about relationships and the troubles of the world fall to the wayside when I can see a film project coming together.