Yesterday I saw a white man walking
He stopped and turned around
The same way so many people have done
When I’m walking behind them
And its really why I have a serious pet peeve
About walking behind people
Because they stop,slow down,speed up
As if they think I’m following them or something.
Its almost the same as locking your doors
When I walk by
So I said
Mostly under my breath
yet loud enough for him to hear I’m sure
“I’m not interested in anything you have”
I was shocked when he said
“good morning” as he was going to his car.
I said good morning and kept going.
Partially I felt
Had I misinterpreted him?
Sometimes I’m so used to people hating me
I might even imagine it when its not there
Sometimes its hard to tell
Friend from foe.
This world has traumatized me.
I wear the wounds of war
On my very aura.
Its true.
He’s leaving
Moving so far away
When will I see him again?
I’m gonna have to get used to living alone again.
But its certainly felt as if
I have been living alone
This past year and a half
In a way.
You don’t touch me
Barely kiss me
(Until its time for sex)
We rarely talk on the phone.
How often have you bothered to skype me on that tablet I
gave you?
You say you care man
But I don’t know how much I believe you.
Your actions have me so perplexed
I don’t know whether to be jubilant you are leaving
Or overcome with grief.
You made me love you with my emergency brakes on.
Is it all in my mind
You’re sharing yourself with me
Sharing another part of you
With whoever that “he” is
That I once tasted on your lips?
Aren’t we supposed to be getting better?
Yet its definitely getting worse here in this place.
Environmentally destructing
So much that
The animals don’t have anywhere to go
and they come
risking life and limb
to eat the trash.
How did we get here?
Can’t turn on the news
(Man this world is changing)
Without hearing about some awful tragedy
And you tell me
Oh its so depressing and not to talk or dwell on these
But how can I not THINK about this shit
Because its everywhere.
When I’m in the movies
And the guy gets up to pee
I’m wondering whether
Its gonna be some gun blasting attack.
I miss how life used to be.
Scary as it was at times
We never quite lived in times like this.
I feel like its taking a toll on me
And I just try to fight through this anxiety.
Anxiety caused by living with
A constantly de-evolving human race.
They say he comes around here
Some have seen him.
He’s one of them.
Like the one who came to me as a child
Tickled me in the dark
And although I could feel the danger
In his cold embrace
I felt so safe. Does that even make sense?
I think maybe the cat used to play with him you know?
When he wasn't just staring into space at something no one else could see
He or the dog would just jump up and dash out of the room as if chasing
or being chased....
They say he walks around in here
Pacing back and forth
And he does know all our secrets
What power he has
To see and hear all
To snap us out of self doubt.
Not the enemy
Gives a soft reassuring touch on the shoulder at times.
He’s not at all intrusive.
Some are you know?
Like the one who visited me
Took of my love and I awoke feeling someone had entered “that
dark cave”.
No this guy
He’s the friend everyone wants
Not judging or anything because he knows everything
And all I can do is wonder what it would be (or have been)
like to have a friend such as he who was alive.
What if we have met or were supposed to have been….something
What if he is the one from that dream
tall with a fade
facial hair
brown skin
and with a warm touch that made everything feel alright.
I think I saw him back in 1993
on wilshire
What if he passed on
What if he's trapped here
soul couldn't move on
anchored by my pain?
Is he "him"???
What if....?