Liberian Man
You came into my life
just in time
just in the nick of time
to save me from plunging too deep into the darkness
You saw something in me no other brother ever has
or likely ever will again.
How can I explain this?
When we first met there was attraction
and the sex was hot
yet I wasn't all that important
then something changed.
I don't know what happened
Maybe someone talked to you
because you became ALOT more romantic suddenly.
You'd call
when before you didn't
You actually started to care.
Now ain't that something?
(But hey I still don't completely trust you)
Theres so much on my plate brother
I fear that inevitably I'll have to break your heart
Los Angeles won't be my home for much longer
I gotta tie up some loose ends here
then I'm out of here.
So what will you do?
What will become of you?
Of us?
Man I believe you can survive ANYTHING!
When you were young your tribe took you
turned you over held you down and took those razor blades
to give you the marks on your back that will never go away.
It was a rite of passage no child should endure
But it made you a man
Like your father did in his harsh way
when he punished you for feminine gestures.
I thank GOD for that believe me!
You have the perfect body
perfect dark chocolate skin
a kind spirit about you.
Fire like your last name
I can't understand how your kinsmen would want to hunt you
outed by an angry woman you lost everything
gave it all up to flee here to America
(They would have killed you if you'd stayed)
And I just want to love you
yet part of me holds back.
I doubt you'll ever completely understand my dilemma.
But you'll be okay
I won't leave until I make sure you are.
Oneday it will get easier
you'll have your citizenship
here in this crazy country
which kidnapped our people
killed so many of the Indians
keeps trying to kill all us gays
while crazy people with guns run rampant
seemingly always on the prowl with their agendas and explosions.
Don't get me wrong man
I love it here but
its changed so much from the US of A I once knew.
This is a crazy time to be moving here let me tell you
but you watch the news and you KNOW.
Just be careful who you let into that heart of gold.
I love you my gentle Mandingo warrior
my lovemaking sweet scented storm bringer.
You will always be remembered as
the one who
reminded me things I forgot about love
You'll go down in history
as the man who
taught me I was worthy
of an awesome lover.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Thursday, October 3, 2013
“The Evil disease”
Written by Sergio W Willis
I’ve been at this game for awhile now. Fifty something years although you’d never notice. That’s because I age slowly. To be honest the doctors aren’t sure I’m even aging at all anymore. But at times like these I feel old or like I’m getting old. Being a superpowered agent for the UN for so long you’d think I’d have seen everything. Demons,ghosts,werewolves,vampires,zombies,aliens…. Monsters….some were men or manmade. I dunno….perhaps mankind is actually the most dangerous of all as he was said to have been made in the creators image. All the power and potential of a god wrapped up in one mass of uncertain purpose. Often most don’t even come close to tapping into a fraction of the potential they possess. Yet theres one thing all humans have in common. Well from my experiences anyway…. Its shades of grey. The capacity for great acts of good or evil. So much of the time when I look around it does seem as though the forces of evil have taken over this world. Honestly. I have spent so much of my life fighting evil. When you are constantly exposed to something theres no getting around becoming quite intimate with it even if you HATE it. So yeah I KNOW evil. I’m no angel and can admit to the darkness inside me. At moments it disturbs me yet over time I came to realize this darkness gives me the power to dig deep enough to destroy it. Others would just go insane or become corrupted by it. You see I do understand the true nature of evil. It’s certainly a living entity. It operates like unto a virus. Maybe that’s exactly what it is….
At El Camino college Duncan E Lincoln ran around the track pushing himself to go just one more lap even as the heavy fog seemed determined to impede his progress. Dressed in long grey shorts and a grey muscle shirt; he wondered jokingly whether or not he were trapped in some horror film. Slowing his pace Duncan looked at the watch he wore on his right arm, then a glance up at the cloudy morning skies made him decide to call it a day. He’d already felt a few drops of rain earlier. Best not to take chances as he didn’t have an umbrella handy. Duncan wasn’t fond of water at all. He took off his shirt,slung it over his shoulder then began the trek back to his car which was parked a mile away. He ignored a call on his cellphone as he crossed a street.
That’s when I saw him…. Tall. Six feet two inches. Light brown skinned. Almost like honey. I guess. Thick eyebrows that faintly touched in the middle. And…what a body. I try to look past such things but… He took my breath away. It was weird. Perfect timing too. Our eyes met right when I noticed him. Wow. Something went thru me. It wasn’t lust. It was as if someone who knew my soul took their hand and caressed my heart. He must have felt it too because we both just STOPPED. It was something else I’ll tell you. Instinct I’m sure. I gave him a look full of questions and he directed me with a look. I just stood there waiting as he came over to me. Those eyes made me feel like I was on complete blast. This was insane! “Whats up?” He wanted to know. Made me wish I’d worn my sunglasses but I’d basically stopped wearing them because they sometimes gave me headaches. All I could think to say was…
“I’m over here for a run. But it looks like rain. Maybe I should cancel” We both laughed alittle.
“Yeah? Maybe you should.” His expression along with his body language said “YOU DEFINITELY SHOULD”
He smiled. “That’s interesting because I’m coming from a run right now myself”
He didn’t have to tell me. I could smell him. Perspiration. Pheremones. Masculine sexually powerful POWER. Not much in the way of deodorant either which was fragrant candy crack to my animal senses.
The next few moments are a blur for in truth I don’t remember much after. We’d exchanged names at some point I’m sure but we were in some back alley and Duncan had me up against a wall while we were kissing each other like our lives depended on it. Just what the hell was going on here?
“Hey um Goyangee you live around here?” I shook my head.
“I was visiting a friend”
“A friend?” He asked with a sheepish grin.
“Its not like that. I’m on a job. But uh….”
“But uh what?”
“We could get a hotel”
Duncan kept looking at me. It was like he wasn’t sure what to make of this but the ball was fully in my court. Probably didn’t believe me but I was serious. Only moments later we were checking into a nearby hotel. Moments after that we were in a room stripping out of our clothes like maniacs and Duncan grabbed me up to lay me down on the bed. Yep dude was strong…. for a human. He pulled me close letting our lips devour each other once again…
Touching this mans skin was like touching electricity because all my senses seemed to explode at the speed of light. My hands felt his powerful arms taking in their splendor like some kind of scanning device. Skin to skin the essence of him poured into my every pore. Lost was I in some frenzied state. I’d become a wild beast screaming to be uncaged. Indeed my body trembled especially with Duncans moans of manly domination. I think I had a moment of clarity but he dominated again pulling me back gripping me tighter then his teeth found my neck and my eyes rolled back whilst he put his mark on me. Or marks I should say. Oh my god the blood rushed to my head! I kissed him on the shoulder tasting salty potency. I wanted to taste more. With my eyes the message was sent and Duncan let me drift down to a shaft that was so large it gave me pause. Whoah! I didn’t think it would be possible for me to…! Duncans entire body tensed like hardened steel while his widened stare welcomed the surprise of my skills. It wasn’t long before he gathered me up then fiery hot pleasured pain of passion shot through me as he entered kissing me deeply to bring some relaxation to my rapid heartbeat. My hands transformed slightly to claws to rake that moistened stone hard mountain of a back. No way could I have held in my moans as I went into sensory overload. Duncan all at once gripped me as if seeking to cover me from a storm.
“I’m coming…. I’m…!”
But he wasn’t the only one. I thought of myself suddenly being thrust into outerspace as the proverbial rug was seemingly snatched from under whatever I had resembling a soul. I gave up the seed gasping gripping erratically at hurricane Duncan. The lights in the room flickered reminding me of faint lightning fading with an ebbing storm. Did Duncan notice? Would he be cool with it? Just what was happening here and where was my reasoning?
When we were done we just laid there for awhile basking in the moment,the memory. He was still inside and every now and then I’d become aware of his scent and my body would involuntarily tremble. This was strange to me…holding on to this man felt as though we were as one…mentally….physically….psychically. Never before had I experienced anything similar. We were both lost in the moment. Breathing in the same rhythm. It was peace. Who wouldn’t want to hold on to that? Whenever my thoughts would wander my heartbeat would quicken. Duncan somehow sensed the change. His reaction was to hold on tighter. It was reassurance. Who was this guy??? That was my last thought before sleepiness crept upon both of us apparently.
When I awoke we were still wrapped in each others arms. Duncan was smiling down at me.
“Sup?” He wanted to know.
“Hah. That….was… Wow man I really have no words”
He grinned like he knew something.
“So I take it you enjoyed?”
“Oh yeah. That’s the understatement of the year”
Duncan kept looking at me. His expression changed ever so slightly to that of questioning. Busted.
“Your secret is out”
I tried to play it off alittle.
He wasn’t buying it.
“Man please. I didn’t make the lights blink like that. Its cool. I fuck with paranormals”
“Yeah obviously”
“That’s not what… Oh you got jokes?”
“Huh. Like I said its cool.”
“Because you’re a paranormal yourself”
Duncan didn’t say anything. He seemed to be waiting for me to say more.
“Sensing when other people have powers is….one of my things”
Duncan remained quiet. He was being mysterious. I wanted him to feel more comfortable.
“Gotta say you feel way different than any other paranormal I’ve ever met”
“Way different?”
I think he wanted to laugh. Sorta.
“You’re different too Goyangee.”
“What do you mean?”
Duncan slowly took his arms from around me.
“I gotta go”
Duncan sat up on the side of the bed not facing me.
“Its not like that.”
I sat up to massage his back feeling myself getting pulled back by those pheremones of his again…
“Duncan man you have yourself some serious mojo”
Duncan got up from the bed and dressed quickly.
“I’ll talk to you later eh?”
He took my phone off the lamp table,saved his number on it then he was out the door.
-To Be Continued-
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